As we begin to unwind time there are 3 major concepts you will want to get to know depth value and room these are very complex and are key to navigating infinite time the first 1 depth think of the ocean of time as infinitely deep and somewhere inside it you are figure out the factors of value with each layer till you begin to map your home state within the infinite depth this will begin to show you the markings of time that help you stay centered inside infinite time with out getting washed away, so value is a level of meaning set to something so if you have a set of value in infinite time you can then watch that value expand or contract by giving it infinite time now this is where the final concept of room comes in, room is the ability to process the value within the depth of time your choosing to play i know this is mega complicated but as we unwind time figuring out what you put value points on and managing your room with the proper depth is going to become imperative otherwise you can easily get swept away in infinite time i may end up doing a live on this eventually but because this weekend we will start to experience the prewave of infinite time and many of you are already in your value proposition phase i wanted to share these here asap ::hugs::
"one of the hardest things about infinite time is understanding how value is defined and used to move forward and backwards in time, when your finished with a valued project you uncreate that so that you get your value points(vps) back this is a huge step forward for humanity as we begin to learn to navigate 5d-8d these concepts will become keys that allow you to progress and keep track of that progress, remember the mind itself can not experiance infinite time and so if your trying to analyze the mind has mastered you and when a mind is given infinite time usually fear happens and we value from that fear, but when we use the mind like a tool from our hearts in a deep space of faith hope forms and we are able to begin to master time using the mind as the tool to understand it. this is a very complex thing that very few beings at this time stamp have ever accomplished while in human form, but because Earth is coming back online to its true purpose which is heaven in physical form the ability to flow through time and weave one again is coming back online."
"it all make sense in time 😊"
Q: " it’s like my soul understands but my mind not - if this makes any sense "
A: "yeah mind cant grasp these concepts because they are above it its weird i never thought id be teaching time from a 5d+ prospective on earth..."
Q: May you have an example please?
A: there is no figuring out things when it comes to infinite time that is why we can analyze instead we apply core principles and learn so for instance apply understanding of room then see when you add depth how much room something takes then as you master that see the value points gained from it and then uncreate that game and build another using same value points or invest them in more room ect its very much a learn as you go thing 😊
Q: l can very honestly say that this time l don't understand a thing you are talking about
A: lol ya this is by far the most complex post usually people train for years in this life to even begin to understand 1 of the 3 concepts but good news is eventually it will make total sense 😊 you might watch https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mI6J3PfEAlw&t=4s
" the only thing that separates the beach from the ocean is the value we place on the things that is why its so key to use value to move forward or backwards in the quantum sea"
Q: only focus we need to place is on the very thing in front of us and if we are out of our own way the choice it will present? Value does that equal focus?
A: right so imagine you have been everything that can be or will be but the value you place on it is where your stuck in time and space and what you made matter... as you begin to stream you find these places where you overvalued and thus the ocean and the beach get closer and closer together until you choose your next thing to value then you create space between ocean and beach again, the reason i use beach is the things we value are often like sandcastle the infinite ocean will always remove it eventually but it was sure fun to play with it at the time ❤
Q: The only difference between where we were before and what it will be like now is that we will be streaming regularly now as opposed to before where we only streamed on occasion and for stints.
A: humanity stored value vs streamed it which is what lead to the separation now we are beginning to stream again which brings unity and clarity 😊
imagine if what was valueable could change instantly with your choices and you were aware of that you would be able to form reality and unform it at will... that is where we are headed back too but it will be quite some TIME before then as humanity has lots of value given to things it no longer needs, so reclaim work has to happen aka ocean taking out some sandcastles for us 😊
Q: Having health issues pop up
A: this is pretty common as we begin to dive deeper into our cellular memory
source - facebook
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