"You're here because you know something. What you know you can't explain, but you feel it. You've felt it your entire life, that there's something wrong with the world. You don't know what it is, but it's there, like a splinter in your mind, driving you mad. It is this feeling that has brought you to me." Morpheus - Matrix

Crystal and indigo guide to the galaxy - energy update - 08.05.2024

MAY 8 2024

Poseidon/Neptune is at the last degree of the zodiac.
It will stay there until the end of August and then retrograde again.
This is the last degree of karma and the old records/inner tapes!
The last planet that the moon met before the hatching of the egg, was Poseidon!
This has a very deep meaning connected to the Christ energy.
In the last sessions we gave great focus on the healing of the feet.
We need free, healthy, balanced and vibrant feet and legs in order to be able to redirect ourselves,
align to our personal Spiral so that we can embody the reversed polarities, between our realm and the antimater realm,
and synchronize to the Mother's clock!
I could talk hours on this but I will just say that this
is the main message:
Karma and all unaddressed, avoided or neglected inner and quantum recorded distortions, fears, insecurities, resistances, pain, illusions and deep traumas
are coming to the surface in order to be seen, felt and healed.
Each aspect is calling to be recognised, included and loved.
Please do not take the process of the return of
the Son of the Sun as something light or something to be careless or illusionary about.
He is returning through us,
through our own biology, this means that our bodies are becoming His vessel.
This takes true dedication to self work and active support for the physical body.
If you feel into this message for a moment you will recognise its great meaning.
Everything is changing and it is changing fast.
The change will not take place as we have imagined it, we need to allow it to be revealed and introduced to us as it truly is
and this can only take via a real and present connection to the physical body.
It is the physical body that is leading the way now!
At the same time
the Daughter of Heavens who has already been here, expressing through us, establishing Her being and opening way for His return and
she is also readjusting Her position in the body because of the impact that His return has on Her.
All double parts/organs of the body need to come into synchronisation via healing and all single inner portals to heal and synchronize also to all parts of the body!
The unification is true and it is the key for the Twins to reach worthiness in order to make it back to freedom and establish and enjoy sovereignty, creativity and heavenly Abundance!
Today when I stepped out of my house I could feel and see the field trembling.
At the beginning I thought it was me but then I realised this was a strong destabilisation of the magnetics.
While driving I found myself in front of a guarded train crossing.
Everyone had stopped and waited for the train to pass.
The train passed and everyone began moving again
but there was a second train coming
that most pedestrians and drivers hadn't seen and the guard started shouting really loud:
"There is a second train coming from the opposite direction! There is a second train coming from the opposite direction!"
And everyone stopped again!
This is an energetic double flow movement from both matter/north and antimatter/south directions/worlds.
We were guided to really insist once again on this work in the last group session because it was essential for the hatching of the egg.
This took place with great acceleration!
Next I found myself in front of a graffiti that I have seen before but never really paid attention to.
To my surprise this graffiti had many of the codes that we have been working on via the alignment of the Masculine to the organic flows and the hatching of the egg!!!

A bit later I tried to pay with my card in two different shops but I heard twice the same phrase from the employees
"your card has been demagnetised".
So I thought to myself ok, this is the confirmation of what is happening.
It is here!

Resting, grounding in the here and now, breathing and introspection are important now
and as always
somatic psychotherapy, dance/movement, massage, reflexology, aromatherapy, craniosacral, homeopathy etc.,
can be of essential support!
The more we are present and attend to our inner needs and healing of the old cassettes and records
within the safe space of therapy,
the easier we can bring solutions and restore the flows without having
to create harsh ways of karmic rebalancing in the external reality!
Also those working via drawings or any kind of art
it is important to keep their work updated to the current developments.

Blessings of good and deep rest!

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