Look over here at this physical phenomena (illusion’s pull to any solid, liquid or gaseous phenomena).
Look at what’s happening there (illusion’s pull to entice, distract and stay enslaved to the linear mind).
Focus on this. Focus on that (illusion’s pull WITH the LINEAR mind).
Learn this. Learn that (illusion’s pull of the OLD and SUSTAINED ways of how the LINEAR mind LEARNS).

And all the while, it IS ALL WITHIN YOU. Waiting for you to drop the linear mind and the grip the solid world paradigm of SUBJECT (you) and OBJECT (that) has over you. Subject versus Object: the experience of separateness. Beyond which all is just One.
The old way of learning in each one’s own time, shall fall away. And the new way shall be shown.
And so, in these times, to watch the thoughts, the pull, the FOCUS the linear mind has (by degrees) on outer phenomena that KEEPS you locked within your OWN programme, imprisoned within a consciousness state that may be awakened, but is INSIDE of illusion. Unknowingly enslaved within your own SOUL Mission 1. To stay informed yes, but not inundated in the mind. Are you staying in neutrality by what you choose to focus on? If you notice you are not in neutrality, to see it as a Divine Gift to SHOW YOU, there is a polarised belief (programme) running you. Everything holds a gift for those with eyes to see, from Love.
See beyond all sights.
Hear beyond all sounds.
See beyond solid particle forms.
BE beyond the thinking.
All is made of light, infinite frequencies and infinite and intricate vibrations. What you give your focus to, is you choosing to align to and become that energy frequency and that IS your REALITY you either keep sustaining (cycle in) OR expand OUT of.
If you seek Heaven WITHIN YOU, if you seek the knowing of God’s Kingdom whilst living, God made it simple, for every single being:
The way is through each one’s own Heart. Through Love to BE, and one by one RE-MEMBER, The Greater Love, that of God. The human in forgetfulness separates it’s Love by judging, then choosing who to Love. And how much, by degrees of Love, they choose to EMMIT Love. Not remembering there are many OCTAVES of God’s LOVE. Not remembering or realising that ALL LOVE…is God’s alone.
Always it is through the Heart. And the degrees to which thy heart be OPENED. Allowing God to do the rest IF you have chosen to surrender to God’s Will through YOU. The Human Will that may seem to be or seeks control of one’s human life is ALWAYS a temporary and enticing delusion within the programme. Limited to this lifetime. As with higher insight you will know Human Will is limited to illusion and illusionary experiences within the programme and paradigm we come out of. It keeps you cycling in human enslavement. Regardless of everyone’s choices, God is allowing and is Love of all. God experiences everyone and everything as ITSelf. For God is within all and all within God. There is NO separation. Only the illusionary experience of it. Until that experience is complete for you.
And when you know God’s Love, remembering this Greater ALL ENCOMPASSING LOVE in every moment, you are that same Love. That SAME Eternal Peace, and Grace (all allowing and in Love’s patience) of ALL that presents within a humanity that is of multiple changing, EVOLVING frequencies. For you experience… Presence IN God. You are TRULY and HUMBLY Free…Living and knowing of the Eternal nature you were always WITHIN.
With Love
09 May 2024
Gratitude to the Artist below 

source - facebook
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