MAY 29 2024
*please check below for the new date of the ‘144000 Diamonds’ open gathering!
‘’The New Living field is here!
All processes for the Living Ones
will be focusing on physically adjusting to it
while gradually fully dropping the old one.
This the result of the hatched egg/opening of the seal of the apocalypse.
This new field is functioning as a filter of protection/liberation
from the low vibrational energies/demonic presences
and as a supporting embrace from Spirit’s Love
for Remembrance, Upliftment and Abundance.
True Abundance has many different elements
that a Living Being needs for a fulfilling and creative Life.
Now is the time for a deep correction of all those distorted beliefs
on the meaning and essence of Abundance.
Self Love, Gratefulness and Generosity are important keys to unlocking the new level of Abundance.
One can align to it via both inner and ancestral work in self awareness and realisation and in
synchronicity and surrendering to Spirits version of Abundance!’’
On April 22nd - 24th the Seal opened.
On April 30th the Masculine aligned to the Mother’s clock of time and the organic flows.
On May 5th we hatched the egg in the physical and we received the drop of Life.
On May 18th we released the anti-matter part of the egg and the inner Sun Trinity
resurrected back into this world.
Between the 1st and the 3rd of June
we are fully releasing the hatched egg.
There is a lot that will take place upon this and
I also believe that in this 3-day period
(the 2nd of June is also the day that comet 12P/Pons–Brooks will be the closest to earth)
the energy of the moon will undergo some kind of transmutation
and Mars will activate a new phase of its energy
that was previously hidden or unopened.
This will be perceived differently by the ascending and the descending flows,
so the experience will depend on One’s frequency and alignment.
I was told that the brain might experience all kinds of different
symptoms like skipping phases, deja-vu moments, confusion, placebo effects etc.
I do not know when or how this will be expressed in the physical
but this will energetically take place during these 3 days
and we will work on its embodiment in the upcoming session.
On the 6th of June
is the return of the Holy Grail.
This is now possible because of the return of the SON of the SUN
and the resurrection of the Inner Sun Trinity.
After the breaking of the Medusa t,ech/no/logy and the masculine’s liberation last year,
in February 2024,
we began the process of the physical return of the Twin Flames
via their rebirth.
From then until now all of their lines have been undergoing a total correction.
The Twin Flames now, via certain alchemical processes,
are becoming the Phoenixes!
Let us all walk through these days in awareness and gratitude for how far we have come together and how successful we have been in our efforts and deep faith
and let us really stay focused and nurture ourselves in the best and highest way possible and gracefully receive Spirit's unprecented Divine Gifts and Blessings in our lives!
Please find below all our upcoming meetings:
-Our next group sessions
*for this one we will meet earlier than usual.
Those that have the inner call to join this work,
can message me for the details of participation.
-The next 5D healing surgery
is on the 2nd of July
at 17:00 Athens time
Please book your place on time
via email at
will take place on June 2nd
at 21:30 Athens time zone
This is also the day that comet
12P/Pons–Brooks will be the closest to Earth!
For participations please send me an email
Please note that I will send the zoom link out
on Sunday, a few hours before we start.
Blessings of gratitude to all!
Amalthea Athor
Haar Zeronia
Huna Ma Anata Kumara
Yellow Galactic Warrior
Fb: Crystal and indigo guide to the galaxy
I'm on Instagram as @crystal_indigo144000
Follow me there
Join the Telegram channel:
‘’This is NOT a new timeline shift.
The opening of this seal of the apocalypse/hatching of the egg
is the opening to a whole new Living field for the Living Ones!’’
Everyday that passes after the 5/5,
it is another day of deep transformation and upgrade
for our systems.
We are so close to the full release of the hatched egg.
This will take place between the 1st and the 3rd of June.
As I wrote a few days ago,
I believe that in this 3-day period
the energy of the moon will undergo some kind of transmutation
and Mars will activate a new phase of its energy
that was previously hidden or unopened.
This will be perceived differently by the ascending and the descending flows,
so it will depend on one’s frequency.
I was told that the brain might experience all kinds of different
symptoms like skipping phases, deja-vu moments, confusion, placebo effects etc.
I do not know when or how this will be expressed in the physical
but this will take place energetically during these 3 days
and we will work on its embodiment in the upcoming session.
I have been writing about this for years but this is now becoming essential,
unless people are open to be deprogrammed on the nature of the system
we call Earth/Universe,
it will not be easy for them to fully align and embody
the truth.
Now that information is opening up from all directions,
this can even result in being misled by those who want to share truths mixed with lies or just be seriously confused.
The True Nature and mechanics of the system we live in
is in direct correlation to our own system and its mechanics.
There are many who still teach based on the old programming which is a false paradigm.
To my pleasant surprise,
I have witnessed that the artists who have been able
to grasp many aspects of the mechanics of the true system,
are the lighting designers because just by working with the light and its properties,
it has led them to incredible creations which simply reveal how reflection and mirroring works.
There is only one Source of Light, all the rest are different versions and expressions of that Source Light!
The same goes with the Waters of Life that run through all levels of this creation!
On the 6th of June
is the day that the Holy Grail will return.
This is now available after the return of the SON of the SUN and the resurrection of the Inner Sun Trinity.
After the breaking of the Medusa t,ech/no/logy and the masculine’s liberation last year,
back in February 2024 we began the process of the physical return of the Twin Flames
via their rebirth.
From then until now all of their lines have been under correction.
This has been experienced by us in the physical via a series of nuclear corrections
and changes.
So because we are so
close to the completion of this correction, the developments that we are now processing,
are so powerful and whole that are Life changing!
The inner transformations that are now
taking place have become very mystical and weird at the same time.
Via this correction there is a deep Sweetness that is emerging from within!
This is the Sweetness of Life that is returning through the organic flows
which is bringing along a great change in the human perception
and a true REMEMBRANCE of what is of True Value and how True life really works.
One can no longer continue on carrying the non-sense of the
distorted and limiting beliefs that were false in the first place.
This means that a huge physical correction and repositioning is taking place for all
and if that correction is being denied, bypassed or avoided,
it does have the power to create more issues, frustration and suffering.
It all comes down to self responsibility!
If you skipped certain spiritual guidance or you judged that it was not important,
this is where you will asked to re-evaluate your choice
and pay attention so that you can realise the depth of its importance and meaning!
There will be many that will come to realise that they cannot hold
the old mentalities, illusions or behaviours anymore.
Others might feel severely depressed because there might be a feeling of failure or dead end present, making them feel like exiting or quitting.
All these are just phases of the disappointment or the disillusionment that is taking place for the ego mind and are not to be taken heavily,
just with a healthy dose of acceptance, humbleness and awareness
so that the inner wheels can continue moving, revealing all solutions needed via the realisations that follow.
Also, as this correction is moving forward many things will not make sense anymore
and this is good because anything that does not make sense anymore
is not meant to make sense in this new field and it is meant to be either transformed or released!
Some parts of the above processes,
because they are very demanding,
are also taking place during sleep.
source - facebook
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