"You're here because you know something. What you know you can't explain, but you feel it. You've felt it your entire life, that there's something wrong with the world. You don't know what it is, but it's there, like a splinter in your mind, driving you mad. It is this feeling that has brought you to me." Morpheus - Matrix

Cosmic Gateway - The masculine are moving through an accelerated ascension - 20.05.2024

Hey Soul Tribe,

With intense energy & changes brings it challenges. This update is to share the information that been brought through over the past few days.

During the rest of May the importance of connecting with the higher perspective is imperative, as we are able to hold that vision & connection of love within our hearts
It enables is to connect with the Future Version & our Souls Destiny Timeline. That many are now experiencing through their dream space

May 2024 changes are a combination of:

Restoration of Right Relationships (Romantic, Family, Friends & Soul Groups)
The Rollout of Soul Mission 2.0
Changes happening on the Energetics & Soul Template level so that it can manifest in the Physical
Restoration of Conciousness with many Powerful Soul's
Closing off of Timelines until this point of Singular Timeline Convergence
This post is dedicated to everyone who is struggling moving through so many big changes at once:

It's confusing for in the Human Experience:

Loss of Memory & brain fog
Feel lack of Purpose
Confused & Disorientated
Fatigue & Exhaustion
Lacking Faith & Trust

This is a time for great compassion for yourself & your own Divine Masculine. To helps support this transformation connect within your heartspace & you're internal guidance.
Right now humanity is moving through some very Important & Powerful changes.
This is impacting everyone's Masculine aspects within them.

There's waves of emotions that move through are Anger, Sadness and the underlying truth is it's Grief

The Grief is what is happening to so many people right now, because of separation.
Being separated from within themselves which can be very highlighted in your personal life.
There is deep longing to Reconnect & Reunite, in the physical with Loved ones & Soul Group. This is what we are being prepared for as we move into June 2024.
The 'Masculine' right now are going through a very accelerated Ascension Process.
This needs Love, Support, Compassion & Understanding.
They were not able until now to start the process of unraveling and disconnecting from the old world as they played a role within it.
This role has now closed, the Masculine Template now is completely transforming. With this changes so many things for the better.
We are on the precipice right now. It's encouraged that everyone finds the Personal Power, Strength, Courage to move forward into this new Frequencies and make way for the Future.
It is time! As we stay present and allow ourselves to become who we have always destined to become.
The Singular Collective Timeline of Divine Destiny is awaiting us

Much love
Alisha Braché

To support you accessing your Soul Destiny Timeline which is awaiting all the Teachings & Tools are available via Elevation Training & Elevate 2 Training: at-your-own-pace learning via the link: https://cosmicg8way.com/course

For Personal Session please email me at cosmicg8way@gmail.com

source - facebook

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