"You're here because you know something. What you know you can't explain, but you feel it. You've felt it your entire life, that there's something wrong with the world. You don't know what it is, but it's there, like a splinter in your mind, driving you mad. It is this feeling that has brought you to me." Morpheus - Matrix

Cosmic Gateway - Relationships are evolving! New co-creational space timeline is now available - 11.05.2024

Hey Soul Tribe,
How are you feeling?

We have such a huge influx of Solar Energies & Now in the middle of a Geomagnetic Solar Storm.
This update is to share more about current themes now available via YouTube link:

This covers the following topics:

Relationships are Evolving
Restoration of Right Relationships now accessible
Restoration of Conciousness
Changes happening within Divine Counterpart Connections
SSP completion for many who have had their conciousness utilised & how that has prevented Soul Connections to Align
What is occurring within our Dream Space & how that is the Timeline that is individual & collectively awaiting us to expand into

These are incredibly powerful & exciting times!

Are you noticing that the veil is very thin & loved ones who have transitioned are right their awaiting us to join them in the new Timeline which is now available
In the past few days The Sun exploded with multiple X Class Solar Flares!
What is happening to us through these energies is... A massive Energetic Clean up, to support the Physical Intergration of our Conciousness ~ Masculine & Feminine Balance & Merging of our Higher Aspects into Physical Embodiment.
This Energy Clean up is on multiple levels:
Ancestral Clearing, DNA Recalibrating, Past Life, Karmic Cycles coming into Completion & The Life Review Process.
As this occurs its clearing out outdated patterns to create space for Clarity, Personal Power & Abundance.

Symptoms & Sensations might experience with Solar Flares Activations:

Solar Plexus activity ~ feeling anxious, uncomfortable & feeling lots of 'fear rise up' for no apparent reason ~ the Solar Plexus is directly connected with the Sun Energy & Accessing Higher Consciousness
Heart/High Heart Expansion this can be felt, physically, energetically or both
Feeling Inspiration, Insights & Downloads ~ this is a time where our Conciousness has the opportunity to expand to greater heights & the next level
Energy influx in the body ~ feeling the Vibration Energy charges as our Bodies are Adjusting to Higher Levels of Frequency
Little or no sleep, very Heightened Dreams & lots of Dream Space Activity
Headaches ~ Intense head pressure in Crown & Third Eye as our Conciousness Expands
Aches & pains in the Body especially legs
Pain in the spine as the Energy Channel Clears & Opens
Heightened Emotions & Mental patterns
Heightened Spiritual & Psychic Phenomena
Triggers coming up for release

Things you can do to alleviate these symptoms:

Drink plenty of water
Rest the body & mind
Meditation & Balancing your Energy
Connect with Nature & Elements
Be gentle with yourself and others

Much love
Alisha Braché

The Elevation Training Series is designed to support people with all the tips, tricks & processes to navigate through these Energetic times!
You can access Elevation Training & Elevate 2 Training at-your-own-pace learning via the link: https://cosmicg8way.com/course
For Personal Session please email me at cosmicg8way@gmail.com

source - facebook

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