"You're here because you know something. What you know you can't explain, but you feel it. You've felt it your entire life, that there's something wrong with the world. You don't know what it is, but it's there, like a splinter in your mind, driving you mad. It is this feeling that has brought you to me." Morpheus - Matrix

Amanda Lorence - THIS YEAR, it is wise to BE silently, IN the wisdom of your Soul - 13.01.2024


In these current times, and THIS YEAR, it is wise to BE silently, IN the wisdom of your Soul. Not the mind, of the human being. But the Soul. If you are Soul ‘realised’.

And if one seeks to ‘build’: Build WITHIN, in these times, from the inner balanced eternal waters, that ARE of solid foundation. Where the inner building blocks are made, SOULY as Love. Held together in Eternity, by The Holy Spirit.

All else be built upon weak foundations. That cause more suffering. To thyself. Or projected out to others to receive, as energy frequency. Foundations that crumble, and fall within The Greater Design of The Divine.

There is Soul knowing:

To act, or not to act. That there is a time to speak, and a time to remain silent. All choices made, as…The Love.

Build within, on solid and balanced inner ground. And ye shall not fall. But hold in heart, eternal love, eternal peace, for all. That sees…yet is compassion, and is patient.

Allow in peace, all others, their own journey… home. For in this game, there is nothing to change but thyself, to change the game. It’s your own hologram. Where thy choices build eternally on inner unseen Holy ground. Or temporarily, upon the weak foundations that later fall away.

Inside the temporary running programme of separation, of experiencing human thoughts, human words, human reactions and human actions…may thy FOOTPRINTS made, be loving and kind. Of the highest choices. To walk out of the human programming, into Eternity, and be Eternity, whilst living.

There is no rush, to each one’s becoming that which they always were and are. Take your own time. For the eternal INNER SELF steps are the lasting steps, that lead to Self Realisation, this lifetime.

Only in inner peace, in the silence beyond ALL phenomena, all images, all sounds, and all worlds (I do mean ALL worlds), are those FINAL ‘human’ design steps walked… Into The Eternity. Then INSIDE The Eternity. Then AS The Eternity. That becomes you. And is available and within everyone. Consciously or unconsciously met.

Always with Love,
13 January 2024
source - facebook

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