"You're here because you know something. What you know you can't explain, but you feel it. You've felt it your entire life, that there's something wrong with the world. You don't know what it is, but it's there, like a splinter in your mind, driving you mad. It is this feeling that has brought you to me." Morpheus - Matrix

Natalia Alba - moon in Leo to help us examine and balance our ego self - 25.01.2024

Beloved Ones,

We are concluding January with a moon in Leo to help us examine and balance our ego self, as well as to regain the courage to face our healing journey, with integrity, devotion, and trust. It is after this pause to regain strength, that we continue renewing and clearing ourselves, with the upcoming Aquarian portal, so we can resurrect, as Pisces in March will remind us, into the enlightened beings that we are, in nature.

As you know, the Aquarian Era will actually start around 2400 CE (Common Era or Anno Domini). Our personal, and planetary transition is what is giving birth to this New Era. We are at a key passage of our ascension path to anchor this new frequency within us, and hence in our lives, so we can contribute to the massive planetary shift that is taking place, which is what creates the New harmonic timeline that we are so eager to step into.

Pluto moving into Aquarius, together with the Sun and the 2/2 Aquarian Portal coming soon, opens the gates for us to start seeding this New Era. A portal that will too count with Mercury moving into Aquarius on February 5th, a New Moon at 20 degrees of Aquarius on February 9th, Mars moving into Aquarius on February 13th, and Venus on the 16th.

Energies of freedom, by clearing rigidity, especially in our mental plane, and energies of reparation, are available to all of us, if we are willing to remove eons of false programming and slavery, as before we embark into this new cycle, we need to prepare our bodies to hold this new frequency.

Guides invite us to work on DNA clearing, our telomeres, clearing the non-benevolent galactic essences, and all that is still fragmented within, so we can step into the integration of our divine selves. A process that many are already undergoing and that will allow us to continue embodying our unique purpose.

To facilitate this process of consicous clearing and regeneration, Guides invite us to call upon the 12D White Ray, the Diamond Avatar Ray who will help us realign with our God Self, clear our physical, and non-physical bodies of distortions, and prepare our bodies to embody this new frequency. After clearing ourselves, ask this ray to help you regain the crystalline memories and properties that are already within your crystal body, for this is the purpose of Aquarius, to help us reconnect with the 12th Ray, and hence God Self.

This a gradual process that we can support by conscious eating, our daily ascensional practices, exercising, and reprogramming of our mitochondria if when scanning our bodies, we find any issues, for this is pivotal to be able to integrate, manage, and conduit the energies that we are now co-creating with.

Healing and liberating ourselves from old frequencies and aspects of our egoic self, is essential to start resurrecting into illumined beings. It is one of the most important inner tasks to achieve if we desire to create a loving earth community, where we finally move from the self to All. However, for this to take place, first we need to create inner synthesis, so we can extend this same unity to All living beings and forms of consciousness.
May you always dwell in a loving, free, and compassionate frequency, Beloveds.

Within Infinite Love,
Natalia Alba
source - facebook

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