Wohooooo 12 Class M calls in the last 24 hours

Dear family, I don't know if you remember that some time ago I shared with you that we had already adapted to the vibrational frequency of the so-called M Class flames and that we were now going for the X Class and what can arise from them. Although they are the same event in the Sun, it is not the same vibrational frequency because they do not have the same speed, and the effect is also not the same of a single Class X+ flame as that of several Class M flames. That is, it is not the same to receive 12 impacts of medium intensity (the effect on the physical body is different) than just one of the intensity of a so-called X+ Class. It is as if the vibrational frequency of the Class M flames was a background melody, constant in the last 24 hours, but already without the same impact on the physical body as in the years prior to 2017. 

In the expansion of Consciousness and the internal experience of this process do continue to have a significant effect (because they continue to have a subatomic/quantum effect), but at the level of the physical body the "symptoms" are no longer as intense as before because our Nervous and Cardiovascular System can already lead a greater amount of electrical impulse from electromagnetic energy that comes from the Sun. 

Either way, they could be having a lot of sensations in the brain, face and cervicals. Dizzy or as if drunk, pressure in the ears and forehead, sudden coughing and sneezing; heat in the chest, palpitations, double pulpitations, indigestion and/or reflux, lots of sleep (fatigue or muscle weakness) and lots of thirst too. 

The subjective and internal experience that everyone has depends in large part on how they perceive what is happening, whether they see it as a “threat”, a “illness” or simply a bunch of “shocks” all your energy and this energy will be hoarded by the function of the brain that thinks and seeks threats (it will focus on the right tonsils which is the body's natural alarm system to ensure our survival) instead of directing it to other parts of the brain that could benefit and expand with it. Energy is just energy, each of us chooses where and how to direct it. 

The physical body has to go through the adaptation process as a biological entity that it is (regardless of the subatomic/quantum part), but always a "symptom" that we might perceive as unpleasant lasts less time or even stops being perceived if we don't resist and let it flow with love, patience and lots and lots of water. Don't push your body to feel "okay" (because it's not going to work), nor despair with it for what you're feeling, if you can avoid complaining (even though mentally) much better because if you complain you'll provoke resistance and keep having the same experience over and over instead to facilitate the process to the most dense and complex frequency of all they are. 

It is important to remind you that the physical symptoms related to this process are cyclical (they come and go), they start from one moment to another and in the same way disappear, they do not go in progressive increase, nor are they extreme to feel incapable. If you have any symptoms that are gradually increasing and lasting more than 24 hours, it is better to get checked by a trusted doctor or naturoist. Acute chest pain, bleeding, loss of knowledge and high fever are not energy related symptoms, if you have any of them please consult a doctor or naturoist. Babies, children and animals adapt (and will continue to adapt) more easily but may also be experiencing strange behaviors and a greater need for water and rest. Honor your process too because what we are living is not selective, the only difference is the subjective experience of each individual Consciousness. 


source - facebook
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