"You're here because you know something. What you know you can't explain, but you feel it. You've felt it your entire life, that there's something wrong with the world. You don't know what it is, but it's there, like a splinter in your mind, driving you mad. It is this feeling that has brought you to me." Morpheus - Matrix

Amanda Lorence - Mini Update - 22.01.2024


16 JANUARY 2024:

I was woken up to a telepathic message as follows:

“Humanity has been boosted. They were free-falling, up until now”.
Please bare in mind this message was based on ‘measurements’ of the whole of humanity as One collective sum. So not every single person was ‘free-falling’.


I am so quiet, for a good while, due to my own embodiment stage, where most of the information I’m receiving is related to my own embodiment stage. Hence why I’ve not posted much recently.

However, I am receiving additional inner teaching relating to holographic reality and HOW it is actually created by Source Creator. I often share about this subject over the years, and am aware some of you are new to this wall, so may not have seen all the videos and posts (all on Utube). I will share the latest holographic knowledge at some point, on a video live. But for now I know to remain quiet and inward path focused.


Just to remind as per many videos over the years, that ALL LIGHT LAYERS of various BANDWIDTHS and DESIGNS of LIGHT LAWS, that people call/ label as ‘dimensions’, ARE ALL within The Labyrinth God/Source created outside of ITSelf, via IT’s TRINITY that is also ONE (see pinned post about Trinity). And so, ALL dimensions are holographic. All worlds of any kind are holographic. All beings within worlds, within dimensions, are ALL Holographic AVATAR projections, holographic within particular holographic realities. All physical human beings are holographic AVATARS, projected onto their OWN individualised screen by their individualised CONSCIOUSNESS, to experience within, as a human form, seemingly separated from SOURCE, seemingly separated from their own consciousness, until they have completed their own individualised crystalline programme. Where some complete at exit point (transition), and some complete/EXIT their programme whilst remaining living with a human avatar body. They remain here, but do not go back INTO the programme they have exited.

In line with my posts and videos in November and December relating to the HOLY TRINITY (that is a stage related to nearing the end of your own programme), and what is a fairly long passageway, I just reiterate again, that some throughout the world, will reach Divine Union with God/Source, at their own designed stage, THIS YEAR. They will have completed their own programme and exited the programme. Be in the world but not of it. It is one by one. As per each one’s Soul Design in their Soul Mission 2.


These ones, at ‘attained state’, will then be CONSCIOUSNESS outside of ALL Holographic Realities. I do mean ALL realities within The Labyrinth.

Their physical AVATAR vessel will remain within solid holographic reality (for labelling sake, 5D to 7D as anything above 7D is non solid light). But their attained CONSCIOUSNESS STATE will be OUTSIDE of ALL of the holographic realities (and OUTSIDE of ALL dimensions) Source created. It will be for them, consciousness in Divine Union of God/Source. Their purpose is only of the Divine’s Will. For they willingly gave up their human Will in previous embodiment stages. Their human avatar voice box will deliver, at ordained Divine Will TIMINGS, via conversion of The Divine’s vibrations unionised through them, DATA, INTO a humanised linear language of human words. Their acts will be to help birth, help create, God’s Will (I call it God’s Dreamings). But these acts will span across many years via different ‘beings’ throughout this world. Scattered within all ‘cultures’ globally. This is the beauty of God’s DESIGN, the GREATER Deisgn. And the beauty of DIVERSITY, and Oneness, where every being IS equal to ALL in God. These beings, in that union deliver knowing ALL are equally of God. They see God’s Essence within All. Even if outer beings do not see or feel God within themselves or others, as equals. In time…All shall receive information. All shall know. All shall see. But over time. This will take several years…For all to surrender within, to KNOW, see and feel, that EVERYONE is LOVED by the ONE, equally. And it shall be, that many shall fight and hold on tightly, to their seeming control, to what was…before they finally, surrender, to the One Divine God in All, for All.

22 JANUARY 2024:

I awoke today with ‘knowing’…We would receive a particular energy tonight (UK Timezone). That within the Incoming Energies arriving would be a particular ENERGY…a dispensation of DIVINE LOVE. That is to be contained within the VAST array of vibrations and frequencies of said Incoming Energy. Although I thought it would arrive UK time tonight, it HAS NOW ARRIVED. Each will FEEL this gift of Divine Love at variable octaves of frequencies and strengths, within a vastness of humanity and human frequencies. It is easier to FEEL when at peace, just being, in stillness, without thoughts. Whereas say a doer, a busy thinker, will not FEEL it as much. Yet it IS…here, for ALL to receive. The Divine Love, gifted, within this Incoming Energy.

With Love always,
22 January 2024
source - facebook

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