"You're here because you know something. What you know you can't explain, but you feel it. You've felt it your entire life, that there's something wrong with the world. You don't know what it is, but it's there, like a splinter in your mind, driving you mad. It is this feeling that has brought you to me." Morpheus - Matrix

Carta Astral 222 - many of you worried about not being able to Ascend - 12.01.2024

Dear Family, I don't know what's going on or why there are so many of you worried about not being able to Ascend as if you had to follow a rule book created by someone to be able to. I know that there are many beliefs of New Age Spirituality that promote fear and separation above Love, Unity and Faith and that in a veiled way, turning ego into self love and opposition to the System - what they call the Matrix - as the path that must be followed to attain liberation (Ascension), which all they actually feed is a state of internal and external conflict that never ends. When there is no internal conflict the thinking mind naturally becomes silent and the heart is freed from the weight of separation and polarity. The human experience of separation (although it's actually an illusion) and polarity are in themselves the source of suffering.

Our heart and brain create an electromagnetic field each and emit a vibrational frequency, but when those two frequencies are in conflict because what we think and what we feel don’t match, our energy is wasted trying to resolve that conflict. When we have the belief that there are "guilty" or that something or someone is against us, the thinking mind (where all beliefs of personality and self-defense mechanisms are archived) will continue to create defensive thoughts (justifying separation), moving further and further away from the vibrational frequency of the heart. With the Heart you feel the Truth and what the Heart feels is the Truth (which are not the emotions because those also come from the story that the ego and personality tell). Love is not an emotion that disappears as soon as the ego and personality tell their story convincing us that we shouldn't "love" something or someone for whatever reasons and justifications.

To ascend or not, is actually a conscious and free choice that is solely up to ourselves. Choosing NOT to use, harm, abuse or destroy God's Creation (Divine Consciousness/Source) no matter the circumstances, is a choice. Loving the TOTALITY of Creation and expanding it with our own energy being the Light for the All (including ourselves but not starting for ourselves because when we are the Light there is no longer a “I” that goes first), is a choice. If you cannot Love the totality of God’s Creation, then sit down and search within yourselves the prejudices, beliefs, and wounds that keep you from doing so. Do it consciously because no one can do it for you and there are no shortcuts to getting rid of ego defense mechanisms and beliefs that make up personality. If they keep believing they should protect their energy from other people (or that there is something or someone that is against them), the ego keeps playing the game of detachment and polarity. You don't need to defend, protect or get away, perfect your Love and rise to be the Light also for those who have theirs overshadowed by suffering and lack of Faith.

In every moment, situation or experience you can choose to Ascend perfecting that Love that includes all, that accepts all, that creates, that multiplies and increases. This process we are living, constantly receiving all this energy coming from Divine Consciousness/God/Source (imagine it as another "Big Bang" ) is pushing us to make that perfection happen and is also making it easier, but the decision has to be conscious and voluntary. When I began to share information on this page (before the process of the physical body) I used the metaphor that meditation was like Muhammad going to the mountain and that this process was just the opposite, the mountain chasing Muhammad (if it wasn't so it wouldn't make sense to talk about incoming energies). That Love which is the very essence of Divine Consciousness/God/Source, fills everything with Light and reaches us in stronger waves and/or with a higher vibrational frequency, but it becomes a personal internal experience and the collective experience of Heaven on Earth, it's an individual choice.

Although it is true that in this process there will be those who achieve the total liberation of the Ego and Personality and will be able to embody the closest vibrational frequency to the essence of God to be and act from it (because they will be, or already are, incarnated through his physical body for the entirety of Creation), that does not mean that those who do not get it (because they did not choose it so, or because it is not their destiny in this incarnation) will have to live a "punishment" or be "condemned", they just continue to live through the suffering that comes with the experience human from separation and polarity. Divine Consciousness does not punish, destroy, and does not discriminate, it is there for all who want to say 'Yes', no matter how long or how many laps in the human experience it takes to arrive at that choice.


source - facebook

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