"You're here because you know something. What you know you can't explain, but you feel it. You've felt it your entire life, that there's something wrong with the world. You don't know what it is, but it's there, like a splinter in your mind, driving you mad. It is this feeling that has brought you to me." Morpheus - Matrix

Natalia Alba - transcending our lower chakras & intensity of embodying the monad - 09.01.2024

Beloved Ones,

As we continue stepping into a new frequency band, many of us are transcending our lower chakras, with the assistance of our Guides team, the Auroras, and many other Forces who are helping our planetary ascension, as well as those who are willing to do the inner work required to achieve self-mastery.

In this process of consicous transfiguration of our lower egoic layers and chakras, we are finally leaving behind our most basic human three-dimensional self, embodying our fifth-dimensional one, moving further into the soul and monadic levels.

It is at this time when Guides shared the importance of aligning to the Capricornian essences that now reign our planet, as they are assisting us in the process of self-illumination required for us to continue stepping into the illumined worlds.

We are finally transmuting our lower chakras from the many wounds, programs, female repression, familiar or inherited patterns, trauma, disempowerment, and many other distortions that have been incrusted within them, and that need to be released.

For those who are now ready or undergoing this process, Guides share you will be moving into a phase of stellar activation, which means you are literally becoming another person, as your body particle accelerates, embodying more light and hence love.

Drink plenty of water, it is a natural conductor of energy. Sound, in any way you are guided to use it, as another tool to help you in this activation, for we come from sound, as it is the first origin from God's Source. Weekly clearings are important too but above all, your attitude towards yourself and how you cope with your personal process.

During this process remember to have compassion for yourself, and above all, for who you have been, for you may experience guilt or blame, as you witness your past self, which are also programs destined to disempower us. You may have found unconscious acts that you would not repeat now.

You hold now more consciousness, love, and compassion for yourself and All, show it by loving who you were too, for you had a different level of consciousness when you made those acts.

Choose to cancel, and neutralize your past acts by becoming aware of them and taking responsibility, forgiving yourself, and moving forward, by seeding something more loving, peaceful and that will help heal All, for this seed will grow and expand, in your present, but also into your past and future selves, healing what was damaged.

Amend your past wrongs by being and sharing more love, not by beating yourself up with guilt for this will only create and expand more hate and disempowerment.

See the Truth, the Love, the Power, and the Peace within you, and send it to All who are ready to embrace it.

We are on a path to self-liberation, where self-love, forgiveness, and compassion are key to letting go, embracing more unconditional love, and moving forward to our new harmonic destination.

At every moment you are presented with the choice to let go of who you were and embrace the new You. You have the will, and the power, choose wisely.

Within Infinite Love,
Art by: Kesara


Beloved Ones,

Many of you are already feeling the intensity of embodying the monad. When this occurs many of you will feel as if you have embraced your other half, as it is often called the feeling of being unified again. This is one of the most authentic feelings that we could ever have in our ascension path, for it is the feeling that confirms that we are finally embracing our inner polarities.

An inner realization that comes when we have healed, cleared, and integrated our male and female essences, reconnected our DNA, and embodied the monad. When this occurs all feelings of being completed by someone else ceases, and it is when we truly start walking a sovereign path, embodying our mission of assistance or expanding into it.

It is in walking this path and in the joy of living the many adventures that we experience, that we may find a companion to share this path with. However, it is not our ultimate desire, for now, we walk as sovereign beings, focused on our personal growth and mission.
Embodying the monad does not mean finding a partner. Embodying the monad means to find your authentic self, and act as a trinity with your soul and monad.

It is from this unified space that we may find another sovereign soul who is destined to walk with us. Others will choose to continue walking on their own, for there are many different paths and missions within creation.

To be able to achieve this level of consciousness and find another soul who resonates with our current state of being and consciousness, first, we also need to cut sexual, miasmatic, astral emotional, mental, physics, and energetic cords. Relationship closure, by decreeing to liberate ourselves from all attachments at all levels, is vital at this stage.

When we are in any way attached to another person, situation, or place, we do not allow unity to be restored, for we are constantly sharing our energy with someone else we once agreed to be with, in the past. However, not in the present moment.

This is why cutting cords, before embarking on a deeper journey of monadic embodiment, is pivotal, for the first thing we will need is to feel renewed, replenishing our energetic levels to be able to work with all that we must, to ascend into higher dimensions.

One of the most important things when we choose this path is to continually clear the ego and its expectations, false concepts, and delusions. Otherwise, we will suffer from its deception constantly, as it creates fantasies to feed its voids.

Walking as sovereign beings means always acting with integrity, humility, and an open mind to be able to integrate Higher Truths and see when we are being fooled by our egos or when we are acting from a soul space.

Our task is to be open and do our inner work to discern between both. The path is not always easy, but as long as we trust and allow a Higher Intelligence to rule our egos, we will be always on the right path.

Within Infinite Love,

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