"You're here because you know something. What you know you can't explain, but you feel it. You've felt it your entire life, that there's something wrong with the world. You don't know what it is, but it's there, like a splinter in your mind, driving you mad. It is this feeling that has brought you to me." Morpheus - Matrix

Jason Estes Update - 403k dtp and we will be triggered a lot - 20.11.2022


with this weekends massive spike we are now at 403k data points per hour... remember every 100k is a new level in a huge way and this could have you feeling a bit hung over and some immaturity could be coming out, it is wise when something so massive happens that you ask yourself how old am i right now and if you get the same age you are then ask how old am i being if you get the same age you are again then congratulate yourself on being centered and then ask your body what it needs to process this next level one of the most important things moving forward is constant check ins about how old you are and how old your being as with so much time moving through us now we will be triggered a lot at this new level for awhile so celebrate often and know you have what you need within you just have to find it ::hugs::

J: "for those who find themselves at younger or older ages then you are right now, take a breath hold it and bring yourself back to your correct age then exhale, then inhale and hold for 3 secs and exhale for 3 secs and hold exhale for 3 secs establishing a new pattern then make a choice from the age you are with the mental state that you are this choice can be simply moving an object the key is to show yourself at that age you have power even though you might feel you don't...

if you want to take it up a notch say I AM Committing to ____ prior to doing what ever it is your choosing this helps to bring your divine intelligence back into the choice"

The Great Pause

Q: how many ascended children have been born since November 18th? 
A: children born with less contracts make it easier for them to choose ascension. 
every child born comes from the ascended cities yes but once here they can choose to take on density and contracts here, however they are not coming in with it anymore so each birth is a major win for humanity atm

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