"You're here because you know something. What you know you can't explain, but you feel it. You've felt it your entire life, that there's something wrong with the world. You don't know what it is, but it's there, like a splinter in your mind, driving you mad. It is this feeling that has brought you to me." Morpheus - Matrix

Cosmic Gateway - New Moon in Sagittarius & Jupiter moving direct!

As we move through this 22.11.22 ~ into the New Moon
in Sagittarius & Jupiter moving direct!

There has been such a huge influx of energy coming in!

I haven't felt these types of frequency in this strength for years!

The image represents the colour of energy patterns I can feel that are coming in through the crown & 3rd Eye & pressure in the body as its going through a big rewiring process! These energies can create a rippling of vibration in your body similar to if you've had to much caffeine.

You can experience dizziness, floating sensations, nausea, little appetite or very hungry & goes in flux!

Also feeling disorientation when waking up as you've been travelling through dimensions. Pay attention to your dream space there will be very important information coming through

This could be creating lots of head pressure, like sharp pains, this increase in light is allowing an opening to higher consciousness & expansion of perception seeing the vastness in connecting dots like never before!

It is giving opportunities for people to come back in alignment with their soul path, so where things might have gone of course or down a different detour, New & old timelines connect!

What I mean by that is you could have been on an soul alignment timeline a few months or years ago... Gone into a different direction so that you could access deep levels of understanding of yourself have many experiences & now coming back into Alignment with where you were before just in a whole new version of yourself with more knowledge & wisdom

There is such a divine orchestration which occurs for this... As previously we weren't quite ready to embrace on that phase because our own energy signature wants in complete alignment... Where now its much more ready!

This is such a beautiful time right now to sit in the stillness, silence and communion with the Divine & Higher Self

There is much information that wants to be shared directly with you
More & more coming online each day...

Make the most of this opportunity
You might find little need for physically spoken words as the telepathic abilities come online much stronger with those you're connected with.

Animal & Children might be extra sensitive right now so give them extra love & care
Much love

Alisha Braché

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