"You're here because you know something. What you know you can't explain, but you feel it. You've felt it your entire life, that there's something wrong with the world. You don't know what it is, but it's there, like a splinter in your mind, driving you mad. It is this feeling that has brought you to me." Morpheus - Matrix

Amanda Lorence - For those that are struggling - 16.11.2022


This post…is JUST for those that are struggling Or for anyone you know is struggling
With Love to All, I just re-share a LINK to the early November video of support. As I am aware many are being presented STARKLY with what is in front of them in their OWN reality of creations.

There is a TRAJECTORY. That unfolds. But for NOW, it would side track to share the month by month trajectory that will unfold from now until a week slightly before 21 March 2023. It’s more empowering for you, if I support your focus ONLY on what is PRESENTING in FRONT of you if you are struggling. And be with that, taking one step at a time, one day at a time, in your own Spiral of Creation.

I’m sending all my love to you all, knowing if you ARE struggling, you can expand through it, if you choose to see deeply, WITHIN. The key to freeing yourself of repeat patterns that present, that can then create repeat emotional and mental REACTION, isn’t just to see what’s INITIALLY obvious to the mind, based on what your outer reality presents to you, or even to see what is slightly beneath the surface (another layer). But to look with your loving heart, FAR more deeply in purest honesty, at SELF to see the ‘elephant’ in the room. As there are LAYERS upon LAYERS to bring Light to. We clear one belief or pattern, to allow the next LAYER to then be seen, connected to that first belief or pattern of behaviour. And free our self, PERMANENTLY of many repeating PATTERNS. Free of all and any human personality FEARS.

There IS a misunderstood parallel, to doing the inner human work, and becoming a higher state of consciousness free from suffering:

But the two do NOT go ‘hand in hand’. They are NOT the same. Let me explain:

We CLEAR our OWN self, of human beliefs, thoughts, behaviours, reactions, actions. Because we clear ourself of our OWN programming. That allowed us as THE PERSONALITY to have certain experiences in the first place and believe them to be really real. BUT, as we clear, we become less the MIND in charge. Less the personality. And become more the BEINGNESS. Living as Consciousness FIRST, before the MIND. Consciousness isn’t in or of the mind. We don’t become higher states of consciousness by LEARNING it. We become it by BEING IT, via freeing ourself of the human programming and the MIND’s PATTERNS. What can be misunderstood, is the idea we SHIFT CONSCIOUSNESS parallel to clearing programming. We don’t. We become higher states of consciousness based on our OWN SOUL’S DESIGN for this incarnation. To allow that Consciousness to come through. And become us. It doesn’t speak. It’s a STATE of BEING. Where the mind, then becomes JUST a TOOL to utilise, as we rest, speak, serve, do, give, walk, from a different STATE of BEING. Consciousness itself has many levels, many STATES to become you. We rise into being higher states of Consciousness, yet we can continue to rise from a new STATE, into the next. We don’t stop expanding if that is our Soul’s choice. Into more and more and more Awareness and higher states.

If below video of support isn’t enough, there are many in-depth videos on my Utube channel to support you on specific topics that may be presenting to some. They are under the SELF HELP section.

I’ve been aware since late August, of the intensity for some, of the period September through to December 21st, 2022. And so completely understand from the depths of my heart, how some are struggling. And it’s ok. It’s perfectly designed for you to go through and come out of. At your OWN pace. And then you will giggle, in light heartedness at what you experienced and felt was soooo real at the time. FREE of the programming. It is JUST that you are at a specific STAGE. We all have unique stories, unique creations, unique personalities, etc. But the STAGES of EMBODIMENT are the same for everyone. One design we each traverse through. It is JUST that EACH STAGE presents at different ‘timings’ to everyone. We don’t share the same timings. Yet at this current timeline, many are being presented with a certain STAGE. The one that gets you through this stage that presents to many at this time…is YOU. Because YOU can. Because you are capable. But it takes ‘human’ courage, LOVE and kindness to yourself (not to be confused with self pity which is ‘victim mode’), to walk yourself through that STAGE. Love, and self HONESTY is what is always necessary to clear anything. To see the mirror, or the shadow that ONLY presents to be SEEN. So that you free yourself of heavy burden(s) carried, fears, sufferings that perhaps have been there for much of this lifetime.

I love you so deeply, by such degrees of unending love, and remain loving you, all your way home.

16 November 2022

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