"You're here because you know something. What you know you can't explain, but you feel it. You've felt it your entire life, that there's something wrong with the world. You don't know what it is, but it's there, like a splinter in your mind, driving you mad. It is this feeling that has brought you to me." Morpheus - Matrix

Carta Astral 222 - Geomagnetic Storm - 29.11.2022

Dear family, we are beginning to feel the effect of a minor Kp5 Geomagnetic Storm, which we might actually be feeling a little stronger because it has a combined effect with the eruption of a plasma filament that broke off yesterday from the Solar Corona (you can see in the picture). This can cause increased ringing, fluttering, tones, and static energy in the ears, increased sensitivity, or even intolerance to loud noises or their own voice, and beginning to see colored auras, dots of light, and having Difficulty focusing your eyes. ☀️🔥

It is also normal to feel that your head is floating or that it is inflated like a balloon, this is due to the effect of a greater electrical charge in the Nervous System, if you pay attention to what you feel, you will see that you can even identify a pattern of movement of this energy in the head. They can also feel a lot of pressure on the Crown, pressure on the bones of the face and different sensations such as tingling, burning, or the sensation that a trickle of water or oil is running from them. The result is an activation of the Crown chakra and that of the Third Eye, which is why our intuition increases and Consciousness expands, facilitating our ability to identify more subtle frequencies. A slight increase in blood pressure is also normal (if it rises a lot please go to the doctor, a check-up never hurts), dizziness or loss of balance because our electromagnetic field (Toroid) is charged with more electrons, restlessness (the feeling something is about to happen), muscle stiffness in the upper body, and weakness in the legs. The hollow in the stomach, the palpitations and the fluttering or tension in the chest is due to the activation of the Cardiac chakra and the Solar Plexus. At times we can come to feel that we cannot breathe well or deeply, this is just a sensation, yes we are breathing well, remember that all these effects are only caused by a greater amount of energy passing through our body, but there is no harm in organs and tissues (which is why doctors find nothing), so there is no reason to be afraid. 🦋🪐

If you feel very uncomfortable, remember that being in contact with water helps because it acts as a buffer, and that walking barefoot on the grass or earth is also a very good measure to regulate the overload of electrons and solar particles (they are called particles, but they are really just energy). To regulate your heartbeat, press your left wrist with your right thumb two fingers below where your palm begins and breathe deeply and consciously. Trust your intuition and follow its instructions (you will feel the urge to do things like lie on the floor, meditate, take a bath at dawn, watch the sunset or expose yourself to the Sun, etc.) because each one of us already has all the information that you need to complete your individual process, the information that I share is only so that you have a confirmation and so that you are not afraid of the process of adaptation and transformation of the body and thus you can focus your attention on the expansion of Consciousness. Do not resist and trust, the body will adapt more easily if you remain calm and at peace. When you feel your heart expand with the frequency of unconditional love, let it flow and become that frequency by consciously raising it. Everything is fine, none of this can harm us because it is what we already are and what we have always been. ✨🪐✨


Original Post: FaceBook

My Note: At the moment dropped to Kp4 but still causing symptoms for those who sensitive to the geomagnetic storm.

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