"You're here because you know something. What you know you can't explain, but you feel it. You've felt it your entire life, that there's something wrong with the world. You don't know what it is, but it's there, like a splinter in your mind, driving you mad. It is this feeling that has brought you to me." Morpheus - Matrix

Carta Astral 222 - The Shift is profound - 16.11.2022

Dear family, the shift (shift) so profound and profound that we are experiencing now individually is the result of all the energies we have been receiving in the past few days and all the "work" we have done to embody u na the highest version of ourselves. The energies that we receive in the form of Cosmic Rays, Waves of Cosmic Radiation, and of course everything that comes from the Sun, increase our vibrational frequency and bring us closer to our true Cosmic/Divine nature and go de-constructing l to the illusion of what we really are not.

Ancient ways of operating in three-dimensional reality cease to be effective because there is no longer resonance, and many beliefs we had regarding reality and ourselves cease to make sense almost instantly. The amount of self realizations and Truths revealed can become overwhelming. The personality is defended and then we look for ways to justify the previous version of ourselves until the expansion drive becomes incontainable and then we stop resisting so that the transformation happens by itself and ace and we can have an intimate and personal experience of it. When we begin to receive the frequencies that will cause this change in our Consciousness, our intuition is giving us signals while those codes are lodged within us (at a sub-atomic level), until an even higher frequency (like the one we received between the 9th and the 11th of November) activates them to from within become a higher level of Consciousness that manifests itself in a new way to interact with three-dimensional reality.

Since yesterday we have been experiencing the effect on a physical, mental and emotional level, of the same energetic influence so they could be feeling dizzy or like under the effect of a drug, with multiple sensations in the head, ears covered or buzzing, more hungry, and shaking or vibration on the Nervous System. It is also normal to have sudden sleep attacks or not be able to stay awake because these changes occur at all levels of our Consciousness and only while we are asleep is that change can also be made in our Subco scientist. On an emotional level, we relive past experiences but from a different vibrational frequency, with greater compassion towards ourselves and others, in addition to our hearts expand and multiplies the Love that we are able to feel and that we can experience from no longer have the need for resisting and clinging to an earlier version of ourselves until an expansive feeling of Love and an inner state of divine peace and grace.

All of this will cause us to align ourselves with a higher timeline for each of us to materialize as we keep a mind and heart open to the will of the Higher Consciousness. We co-create our experience of reality with the Higher Consciousness (with God) only when we give up the need to give it direction and simply let everything happen without interfering.


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