"You're here because you know something. What you know you can't explain, but you feel it. You've felt it your entire life, that there's something wrong with the world. You don't know what it is, but it's there, like a splinter in your mind, driving you mad. It is this feeling that has brought you to me." Morpheus - Matrix

Carta Astral 222 - 14 C class and 2 M class solar flare within 24 hours - 11.11.2022

Dear family, in the last 24 hours 14 Class C solar flares and two Class M solar flares (total 16) have been generated in the region of the Sun that you see brighter in the picture and is practically in front of us. They're not very intense but they're very consecutive. That active region of the Sun, because of its magnetic complexity, has the potential to continue generating flames. So most likely yesterday they have already started feeling the effects.

Because they are many small solar events at the same time, it is possible that in addition to the physical effects you already know (dizziness, sensations in the head and upper body, anxiety, increased heart activity, insomnia and buzzing or noises In the ears), they are also likely to have burning in the mouth of the stomach, the feeling that they have something stuck in the esophagus (like a lump in the throat), sneezing attacks and pain or some strange sensation in the right eye. When so many flares come together it is also possible to feel pain throughout the body as if we had done a lot of exercise, in the joints and also in the bones. It's generally a feeling that we don't fit in our bodies or like we want to "snatch" something out of it. Our thoughts accelerate and we can get to feel our brain being “crushed”, and we can also feel more emotional and full of unconditional love difficult to describe.

Stay well hydrated and don't resist feeling all the emotions that come to the surface, be compassionate to yourselves and others. Honor your individual process and trust that all is well.


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