"You're here because you know something. What you know you can't explain, but you feel it. You've felt it your entire life, that there's something wrong with the world. You don't know what it is, but it's there, like a splinter in your mind, driving you mad. It is this feeling that has brought you to me." Morpheus - Matrix

Alex Myles - Full Moon in Taurus and Total Lunar Eclipse - 08.11.2022

Eclipses are noted for being the most electrical, mystical and transformational times of the year.

There is currently a tremendous amount of cosmic activity occurring that is affecting us all, which might feel quite contradictory at times. One minute we may be overwhelmed with loving emotions, and the next, the opposite - as, while this is a rational, logical and earthy Taurus Full Moon, it is also carrying extremely intense Scorpio energies. So much so that this eclipse will almost feel like a potent, passionate and mysterious Scorpio Full Moon

With this Full Moon being a total eclipse it is supercharged and will be pulling in the energies, not just from the past 6 months, but going back at least 18 months, and even as far back as 9 years or further.

The accumulation of all this energy hitting our planet will be impacting us strongly, not just on a personal level, but also collectively. This can make us feel far more exhausted than normal, especially as our sleep pattern might have fallen out of sync these past few days. It is highly possibly we might also be more irritable, anxious and maybe even aggressive when this energy peaks, so it is vital we take time out to rest, stay hydrated and ground our energy whenever possible.

Eclipses are cosmic redirections, and are renowned for being unpredictable and somewhat chaotic, to the extent that they can suddenly, without prior warning, turn our entire lives around. The most important thing to remember during this eclipse is ‘expect the unexpected’, as it is unlikely anything will go as predicted or planned.

This lunar energy is going to wildly shake things up before flipping everything up in the air and once it starts to settle the picture becomes much clearer - and unfortunately not everyone will be be welcoming this turnaround of events. Anything that has run its course, that is no longer resonating or serving a higher purpose will likely come to a close, with possibly something new and far more positive and appealing swiftly taking its place.

We will be deep in our emotions during this eclipse and we may feel compelled to release the internal tension. We are going to feel the desire to speak our truth - so it is worth being cautious as this could make or break certain relationships. During a regular full moon, it can be quite normal to impulsively communicate how we are feeling, as energetically there is an intense push and pull of emotions, which can overspills. However, it is important to be aware that eclipses are drastically different.

When transiting eclipse energy we can quite literally see relationships, beliefs, feelings, thought patterns, habits, leaders or even careers, totally eclipsed out of our lives. One minute everything can seem in order, or secure, and the next it can seemingly vanish, and often there is no option to reverse or rectify the situation. The Universe sweeps in and in a flash, for reasons that aren’t always clear at the time, something that was once in our reality and that we believed to be true, held close or had a grip on, is gone.

Collectively we are going through a major period of evolution, recognising the need to find better ways of coping with major change, in particular how we communicate when change does or doesn’t go the way we had hoped. It is clear to see how divisions break out when varying viewpoints are being thrown around, or when we don’t try to empathetically understand why other people don’t share the same opinions, values or understanding as ourselves. One of the biggest challenges we will face is not taking it personally when others think, feel, want or believe very differently to ourselves.

While everything is changing, it is essential we remind ourselves that everything is happening for a higher purpose, and that it may twist and turn but eventually the course will shift humanity to the next level. Even though we may feel disorientated and life might feel chaotic over the next 48 hours, it won’t be long before we see why everything had to take place in a particular sequence, and what valuable lessons we are all learning along the way.

Over the next couple of weeks we will be releasing old and outdated thought patterns and preconceived notions that have been passed from generation to generation and that we have, sometimes stubbornly, held strong to. Whenever an eclipse takes anything away, it always replaces it with something better, and this is when Taurus’ patience comes in, as the internal and external transformation from these shifts will not happen overnight.

This energy is going to ask us to remain grounded in the face of adversity, and to remain calm if things start to feel like they are tipping off balance. It is vital to remember that whatever is unfolding is the accumulation of a variety of things far beyond our control.

The background energy to this eclipse is fixed, meaning, in typical Taurus energy, no matter how much we try to force things, they simply won’t budge. In fact, if anything, the more we attempt to force a different outcome, the harder the crash back to reality is going to be. If ever there was a time to keep both feet on the ground, and remain level headed and most of all, compassionate, it is now.

An illumination is taking place, shining a light on some difficult truths, which could bring both inner and outer turmoil. It is possible that something we weren’t able to see clearly two weeks ago during the solar eclipse is now coming fully into focus, and we will no longer be blindsided or kept in the dark.

The revelations coming through over the next few days will likely be life-changing, so it is worth remaining alert and aware and to be prepared that the news we receive may alter life as we know it. Everything is playing out exactly as it is meant to, so it is necessary to trust in the process and keep moving forward.

We may have been experiencing flashbacks recently, which have led to us reminiscing or revisiting old traumas or wounds from many years ago that have not quite healed. It is possible this nostalgia makes us want to reach out and repair relationships that once were, or still are, immensely important to us.

Alternatively, we could also find our healing comes in the form of making peace with the past by coming to a place of acceptance that endings and beginnings are sometimes unavoidable aspects of life. As painful as endings are, we don’t always receive the closure we feel we need and not all wounds completely heal, but we can still continue onward.

Whatever we have been manifesting (for instance, relocating or planning a new career move) may now quickly come to fruition, and we will receive an abundance of opportunities that help us create a fresh, positive, and exciting new start. This Full Moon not only brings to an end things we have been going through for the last six months, it is also kickstarts a new eclipse season and six-month chapter that runs until the next eclipse begins on April 20, 2023. A new theme is beginning, so it is vital to keep our thoughts positive and focus on what we want to materialise in the near future.

Overall, this Full Moon is a major reset and within a 2-3 days we will rise feeling empowered, liberated, renewed, recharged, regenerated and ready to begin over.

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