A slightly different way of sharing and passing on. Please just take what resonates and discard the rest:
Through HUMAN choices,
The HIGHEST choice,
Is the choice of the HEART.
Thoughts emanating of the
Speaking from the
Actions of the
ENERGY Emissions of the
When all Rainbow Rays are embodied, consciously, remembered…the WHITE RAY is then embodied, consciously. And GOLD becomes the result.
In this GREEN RAY context;
The emission from the embodied Heart Ray
Shall create the GREEN RAY effect,
IN the skies, emitted AROUND the SUN.
To be Observed, prior to the SOLAR EMISSION labelled as The Event Wave.
This is WHY humanities participation in these times, is encouraged, in parallel to, and contributing to, the CREATION of The Event Wave. So to not be WAITING for it to happen TO YOU. To also not play victim (a low vibration emitted), and to not be at the MERCY of the seemingly(!) OUTSIDE SOLAR emissions in the physical world. Everything is a reflection of what is occurring INSIDE of YOU, as an individual. One by one. To also not be at the MERCY of one’s OWN Mind Processor but become the MASTER of it. Choose again and again your frequency. The mind searches outside of itself to understand and attribute MEANING thereof. The heart is the Gateway to higher frequency knowledge, the mind then processes. The heart centre is already pure love, waiting to be felt and emitted from you.
It’s just a choice: to MERGE within, energetically, to all Solar Activity, and to ALL increased frequencies and VIBRATIONS occurring IN your ENERGETIC BEING.
Identifying with the human allows just that, the human to be the dominant body. This is why I constantly encourage, to choose to focus on INTERNAL ENERGETICS. Become ONE with them. Love them (they are YOU). As this is you, choosing to focus your EXPANSION on the experiences of your LIGHT, FREQUENCIES and VIBRATIONS. That which IS, and ALWAYS has been, your OWN Consciousness all along.
There shall be, at certain time (I don’t know when), enormously strong Incoming Energetics.
Many will SAY this is THE Event Wave.
But it will NOT be.
It will be the PRE-CURSOR.
So to keep this post, for ‘future’ remembrance within a fast paced media world.
From you
Green Ray within equals
This is NOT the AURORAS we see in the current skies. But a vastly different ENERGETIC that shall manifest.
Those in ‘earthly’ ‘high ranking’ positions of worship, are receiving conscious awareness that their ancestors deliberately positioned themselves BETWEEN the ‘words’ given by God TO God’s Peoples.
Placing themselves BETWEEN ‘The Words’ of God/Source and the People, kept the people from understanding and exploring their own innate divinity. Their individual access within, that leads to their KNOWING, and EXPERIENCE of the Divinity of God within ALL.
Through the higher octaves of their own Consciousness, the ‘high ranking’ officials within these EARTHLY STRUCTURES now receive knowledge from within themselves, that they continue to contribute to the distortion and disempowerment of God’s Children. Over time, and individually, the ‘high ranking earthly officials’ shall make their own conscious choices, within the LINEAR TIME CONTINUUM of the Divine Storyline.
Bare in mind, that the receiving of conscious knowledge is received OUTSIDE of TIME. So to be aware all above SHALL play out INSIDE of the LINEAR TIME CONTINUUM. A slowed down experience and process of the Grand Play, in order to have these experiences that SEEM REAL!! Where OUTSIDE of Time, all is happening all at the same time. At once. In one moment.
Your Heart, the GREEN RAY, the BEINGNESS in any moment, as THE LOVE, is outside of Time. Emitted in any given ‘futre’ moment, enough of humanity shall come together, with enough ENERGETIC POWER of the Green Ray, to create The Event Wave. Each that play at waiting, creating more waiting as their creation. In highest truth each that wait, are unaware just for now, they are innocently waiting for themselves…to Become. BE COMETH their own emission of the Green Ray
So for now, and in any moment, as the remaining weeks unfold and our energies PERMEATE individually, there is choice presenting in each moment as we head towards the SOLSTICE of 21 December 2022, and the beautiful significant PORTAL presenting on the 22nd December. The highest choice, is always about just ONE focus…coming BACK to the ALL TIME LOVE, and BEING the LOVE, that you always have been.
In the absence of fear, LOVE EMANATES.
With Love to you,
Amanda Lorence
24 November 2022
(For those new to this wall…I don’t channel data, I just embody one step at a time and share inner knowledge)
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