"You're here because you know something. What you know you can't explain, but you feel it. You've felt it your entire life, that there's something wrong with the world. You don't know what it is, but it's there, like a splinter in your mind, driving you mad. It is this feeling that has brought you to me." Morpheus - Matrix

Carta Astral 222 - "Here comes the Sun" - 19.03.2025

Dear family, I hope you're handling all this intensity we've been experiencing well 🙏. Although I haven't been sharing information here for a whole year to focus on my own process, I've continued to follow the collective process and do individual sessions. One of the most frequently asked questions during the sessions was: "Why do Class M flares affect me more physically than Class X flares?" And I'm going to share the explanation here because it may help you all for what's to come.

Class M flares have a lower speed and therefore a lower vibration than Class X flares. Because they have a lower vibration than X flares, Class M flares are more compatible with the subconscious and therefore with our more human expression. Surely many of you remember that in March 2017, our physical symptoms began to intensify collectively when we experienced up to 12 Class M flares in a single day. Our most human programming and all the emotional wounds and belief systems we adopt to "defend ourselves" are contained in our subconscious and on a physical level in our nervous system that learns to react unconsciously to avoid pain and all of that is stirred up by Class M flares that is why they cause more physical symptoms, trapped negative emotions, dreams related to the past, irritability and the need to isolate ourselves to do the internal work of purifying all that we are not but that we believed we were and that we learned to "be" in order to adapt to the world around us. Class X flares have a much higher vibrational frequency and for that reason they are more compatible with our Higher Self and with the frequency of unconditional love and Unity, but they do not affect the physical body as much. Class X flares are always preceded by several Class M flares because first the vessel must be purified in order to later host (embody) a higher form of love. Although each of us has an individual and subjective (internal) experience of all these energies depending on our "base" vibrational frequency, God/Source gives us all and everything equally. ✨✨🌏❤️‍🔥

Keep this information in mind for the coming weeks/months because, as the family song says, "Here comes the Sun" 😅☀️


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