"You're here because you know something. What you know you can't explain, but you feel it. You've felt it your entire life, that there's something wrong with the world. You don't know what it is, but it's there, like a splinter in your mind, driving you mad. It is this feeling that has brought you to me." Morpheus - Matrix

Alexander Quinn - Andromedan Update - March Energy - 10.03.2025

Andromedan Update: March Energy

The currents may churn around you, as if the very fabric of reality is shifting beneath your feet. Yet, know this, the storm does not come to reduce you, but to cleanse, to reveal, and to restore what has long drifted from alignment. What feels like chaos is but the divine hand reshuffling the puzzle pieces of your now, urging you to witness where your soul has outgrown its past choices, where the old skin no longer fits in the garden that has become overgrown.

You stand at the threshold of eclipse season, a lantern lifting shadows from all that has been left unattended. Like waves returning to the shore, the unresolved will rise again, not as punishment, but as an offering, a final glance before release. It is a liberation long in the making. Just as the mother eagle nudges her young to the edge, so too must you surrender fear, for the moment of flight has arrived.

Do not recoil from what is surfacing. Instead, soften. Resist the urge to cast your gaze outward in frustration or blame. This world, this life, woven by your own hands before you arrived, now holds up a mirror, asking you to return to yourself, to tend the sacred garden of your being, beyond the roles and stories you once wrote in the language of the unseen.

Should you cling too tightly to what no longer serves, the hands of Source will gently, yet inevitably, unfurl your grasp. What remains will not be loss but fertile ground, an open field where more impressive dreams may root and rise. How often have you gazed back upon the path behind you, only to see, with the softened sight of hindsight, the quiet perfection of what once seemed uncertain and its then advantageous outcomes?

The quantum field is ever conspiring in your favour, always striving to roll you a six, to place the perfect hand before you, to guide you ever upward toward the highest expression of your being. Move forward, step by step. You are held in infinite grace. Simply release the weight of resistance, and the path will meet your feet, open, waiting, ready to carry you to your new home. Mother eagle is behind you light worker. You were born with wings. The Sky awaits you.

The Andromedan Council of Light

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