Tomorrow for west coast US and on the 14th for most of us, we have a Total Lunar Eclipse at 24° Virgo. We are already into the energy of this which will continue for another 6 months, but will be peaking for the rest of March.
This is a big Full Moon. These are always times to release what no longer serves us, what is redundant, stale, routine, and we know at a soul level we have already outgrown. This is bigger as it is a Lunar Eclipse, and a Total LE, and a conjunction with the South Node which is our collective past, what we are moving away from.
So see where 24° Virgo and 24° Pisces (where the Sun is, always opposite the Moon at a Lunar eclipse) fall in your chart, and see which houses are involved for you. What is happening in your life across that pair of houses? What is ending, falling away for you? What is being birthed? Where are you yearning for newness, variety and excitement that will also offer you more soul growth? Do you dare to embrace your courage at the Aries Equinox and beyond to step into a new adventure, a new episode, what you are already becoming? Who and what is this future self for you? Can you step into this right now and start to live it, as if it were already happening? That is when you will start to magnetise the people, circumstances etc that you need to line up into your life.
For all of us with the retrograde Venus and Mercury at the same time over the same areas of your chart (24° Pisces to 10° Aries) plus Neptune also being there at the very last degree of the zodiac, we will be rethinking and re-evaluating many areas of our lives. These individual reassessments are feeding into the huge transformation that the collective is already experiencing and will continue to in the coming months and years.
We may even see some volatility in the financial and currency markets at this time.
The next three years in particular will expand our consciousness, increase our psychic sensitivity, give us a greater sense of spaciousness with very different values, connect us to nature and galactic beings in the coming times. Aspects of our consciousness that have been long repressed or hidden from us are being uncovered now as we step back into our true power and sovereignty. The Total Lunar Eclipse over the next two days is one of the major ignition points for all of this.
Be excited, lock onto love, turn away from the chaos, and let's accelerate the arrival of a more loving world for us all.
Also be aware that with the Sun conjunction Saturn today, you may be experiencing a 'reality check', a need for accountability, or needing to take responsibility for something. It can be linked to consequences of previous actions. Sometimes it can feel weighty, or something emerging today that needs you to step into your maturity or be more 'grown up' in some way.
it can also manifest as boundary issues, and I've experienced this several times this week as transiting Saturn is also conjunct my natal Sun. There seem to have been some abrupt assumptions or invasions, highlighting the need to strengthen my energetic boundaries.
The Sun-Saturn conjunction can bring up issues of lack in your life and the need to 'get real' and deal with them.
However, Saturn can always turn lead into gold, so if you have used your Saturn well through hard work and diligence it can bring many rewards that become apparent at this time, especially if it is aspecting any natal planets at 22-24° of the Mutable signs, Gemini, Virgo, Sagittarius, Pisces.
Total Lunar Eclipse in Virgo March 13-14th 2025
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