Schumann Resonance was offline for 24 hours right as the energies increased and the Schumann was showing it. Was it down for maintenance? Or did it start to show the glorious patterns our Ascension Teams were showing a week ago, and they didn't want that seen again? You feel into it and decide.
In the meantime, we are surrounded by high-vibrational energies at all times now. Currently though, we're in a transition period.
As your body upgrades within these expanding energies, you might be noticing more hot and cold patterns within you. We are transmuting and releasing out the old outdated cellular systems within our bodies. While simultaneously upgrading to our new crystalline coding. This is causing the body to need to work in higher temperatures.
Many of you may experience fever-like sensations, night sweats, or an overall feeling of an internal furnace within your body, and this is why. These are signs that your system is adjusting to new updated templates needed for life on Blessed Gaia.
This is just one of many changes you are going through at this time to be ready for the new Golden Age.
We have changes happening all around the planet for this as well. Processes that have been in the making for hundreds of thousands of years on our parallel timelines.
You thought you were just working here now? You're a multi-dimensional being. You've been working on ascending our planet and universe in multiple aspects of you through many times, planets and generations. All to get to this one point in time.
Those timelines of yours in this dimension have now all collapsed back into you, the Master Aspect of this dimensional level. Preparing your way forward into the next leg of the Starseeds journey.
Your mind, body and soul is changing to hold the higher dimensions of YOU. The Earth is changing to hold these new frequencies of the ascending. Our sun is already in all dimensional levels, so she is holding our beautiful planet with ease and grace as it prepares for its final ascent.
All dimensions and the many resources afforded to this herculian effort is coming into completion in this now moment. To allow us to rise up as one to release all on this planet and within our solar system to anchor into 5D and higher.
There are currently lightcodes within the energies placed by our Star Nations and Ascended Grand Masters to help your system open to this time. Allow those knowings in. Embrace the changes you are feeling. You are being systematically released from the template of this world, so when the Love Wave final activation releases, you easily move to the New Earth template and grid of Blessed Gaia.
It can feel like a lot, but its all happening just as it is meant to be. To see the changes you just have to feel them within yourself.
You are a walking miracle, moving through a changing reality. Its not easy, but that's why you incarnated in.
We weren't sure exactly what to expect as we released the humans from this realm, but we knew if we brought in our very best, nothing could stop us.
Remember why you came. Why you are so needed right here, right now. We are in the moment of change. Holding our lights high and bright has never been more important.
Shine, Amazing One, Shine. Show all ascending the way home is right through the light. Source is with us and within us. Let it be felt!
We are there, it is Now.
Much love and light,
-SA Smith
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