We are in a state of deep purging now on all levels, as we access the higher dimensions, and our light quotients rise more, we will find that old maladies, old shadows and triggers, suddenly appear out of the seeming blue.
I was reading a classic about ascension, in which it states, that every time your consciousness rises and your whole systems are rising in frequency, this will happen. This is why all the great masters often spent 40 days and nights in caves, in silence and fasting. etc., for they knew that every single shadow will appear and show themselves, every single aspect of you. When they fully embraced that shadow, and the lessons in mastery they brought, they then started accessing even higher degrees of cosmic knowledge, had intense moments of experiencing unity and oneness, and are reborn in much higher ways, each one according to their own unique soul's calling. They emerged stronger, wiser, more loving and compassionate, illumined than ever before and had gained in power and wisdom.
We cannot do this today and retreat in a cave for so long, or rather most of us cannot, and this why we tend to struggle to go through these intense changes. Yet the only way, is the way through.
Add to this mother earth is going through the very same, and humanity as a whole, whether they are aware of it, or not. The shadows are emerging everywhere, and this is meant to be. It has to, for we now need to consciously choose the repeat the same or not. The more we block those shadows or deny them, the longer it takes to ascend.
Yet at the same time, the split between the New and the old is widening to such a degree, that it becomes a total split and a total lifting off into the new. This is a process of enlightenment in itself.
The only way forward is to go deeper within, for this is what the masters knew.
The true portals lie within you, your heart and soul.
For love now embraces the shadows, thanks them for the service they render, and this brings balance, inner harmony and greater insight and vision. It will repeat itself until we are totally ascended into the new.
Yes, we all grow weary and weak, me too. Yet, what I know for sure, that in such times, especially now, we are being carried through. And one day, in the not so far distant future, we will look back to this time, as a time of immense soul growth in ways, even our souls before they were born, could not even imagine!
Love, Light, Wisdom and Joy!
Photo: @DeepDiverQ
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