"You're here because you know something. What you know you can't explain, but you feel it. You've felt it your entire life, that there's something wrong with the world. You don't know what it is, but it's there, like a splinter in your mind, driving you mad. It is this feeling that has brought you to me." Morpheus - Matrix

Vilma Capuano - The sensation of the void - 12.03.2025


Sadness and lamentation precede the phase of the Void, which arrives when the heart opens to release the energy of the wounds. This is a sacred moment of Healing because the pain begins to pour out.
In this initiatory period, like in the process of mourning, denial and depression are replaced by the fluidity of uncertainties in their vulnerability, until you finally reach a deeper sense of purpose and connection to a higher life, one that no longer depends on beliefs, values, prejudices, and explanations from others.

"The Void is not asking for acceptance... it invites your unwavering Trust, when without an exit strategy or a plan for what comes next, it says: 'When you are ready, I will show you the way.'"
The Void is not a depth of deficiency or a feeling of lack, as it is initially perceived. It is an internal door to eternal liberation. Trust in what you cannot understand so that the door may open.
It is the Nothing through which everything comes... Do not fear. We fear the Void because we have been conditioned to trust only in our understanding of things, which creates relationships with the appearance of things instead of connecting with the sacred divine Void within the Whole.

Without anything to discover, distrust, or even understand better, the Void calls itself Home while the Whole.
Even if just for a moment, be Still and reach the Whole known as You.
Even when that inner voice says, “Enough of this,” simply breathe softly a few times...

Even if you feel bored, useless, or as if you are about to leave your skin, it is a clear sign to sit for just a few more moments... to discover infinitely powerful levels of yourself that have much to teach and await your arrival in Peace, enthusiasm, and joy." ~ Matt Kahn (author)

A space of Serenity opens up and can continue to nourish you to stay on the Path.
In Stillness, you disappear from your world, because when the inner pendulum has nothing to hold on to, it falls into the Void.
The moments of Stillness serve to pass through the emotional fluctuations that create thoughts, observing the flow that cleanses the reality of what no longer brings happiness... and then fills it with what the Soul is asking for.

"This is the miracle of Surrender. The moment you completely accept your non-peace, it is transmuted into Peace. You can accept the existence of the moment and not confuse it with a story the mind has created around it. This is living in Surrender." ~E.Tolle, “Stillness Speaks”

Vilma Capuano

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