"You're here because you know something. What you know you can't explain, but you feel it. You've felt it your entire life, that there's something wrong with the world. You don't know what it is, but it's there, like a splinter in your mind, driving you mad. It is this feeling that has brought you to me." Morpheus - Matrix

Lee Harris - energies of your life journey are actually more important than the actual events - 16.03.2025

We always say to you that the themes and energies of your life journey are actually more important than the actual events, the form of the events, and the specific individuals you will meet. You do not meet the person that you may end up becoming best friends with because of their likes, desires, and the way they look. You actually twin with them because of a frequency match in the energy field that fits you and the details that you enjoy about that person. This is just good earthly fun.

The reason that you are with them is that cosmically, and often on a past and future life level, you were destined to meet because you are strong mirrors for each other.

- From Conversations with the Z's: Book 3: Part 4—a Portal Members' exclusive. Join The Portal and receive these conversations with your membership.


As we have said many times, there are some who will listen to us, and they will not hear a word we say, but they will go into a vibrational awareness and intuitive opening energy field because of the energy field that's created in these conversations and in the act of Lee channeling us that taps them into their own opening, or if you like, their own soul book.

Lee is always telling people, “Sit down and write for yourselves.” If you don't believe that you can channel or you don't believe that you can contact your guides, simply sit down and write a message to your soul, “What does my soul want to tell me today?” Lee has been telling people to do this for years. When you calibrate to this frequency of oneness through which the information comes, then it gets a little more interesting.

- From Conversations with the Z's: Book 3: Part 4—a Portal Members' exclusive. Join The Portal and receive these conversations with your membership.

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