Neptune enters at 0 degrees Aries (a powerful point of reset), which will completely reshape the personal and global energy landscape, along with two eclipses and retrograde Venus and Mercury (the "past" returns). Expect predestined events to restore karmic balance.
This is not a time to be reckless or simply shrug and say "that's life" – it is an opportunity to reflect and align yourself with your true path.
March 2 – Venus retrograde begins, revisiting the same area of life every 8 years (2017/2009/2001), bringing changes in priorities. It is when an important decision is made. An old issue must come to the surface for resolution.
March 3 – Mercury enters Aries – perhaps the most dramatic of all possible entries – bringing boldness to go straight to the point – action-oriented energy – thoughts will become sharper, decisions quicker, and words more direct.
Reality simply is.
It is up to us to understand it and recognize the role we play in it – this is the opportunity to assess who we are and how our purpose fits into the bigger structure of life.
March 14, 2025 – Total Lunar Eclipse at the South Node of the Full Moon – much more intense, bringing resolutions that have been brewing for a long time to an inevitable change. What was unstable will finally fall and find a resolution.
The message is clear: pay attention and take action – something here needs to be resolved. There may be no turning back on the Path, but there is a completely new horizon ahead.
The deep purpose within your soul will be awakened.
March 29 – There will be a New Moon and a partial Solar Eclipse in Aries, ensuring that although things are changing rapidly, it is for our greater good, and it may take some time to be fully understood.
Vilma Capuano (based on articles of astrological analyses)
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