"You're here because you know something. What you know you can't explain, but you feel it. You've felt it your entire life, that there's something wrong with the world. You don't know what it is, but it's there, like a splinter in your mind, driving you mad. It is this feeling that has brought you to me." Morpheus - Matrix

A girl in the Universe - Most of the solar energies coming in are from the dark side of the planet - 19.03.2025

This video shares the last 12 hours of energies coming into our planet.
What you're seeing is a view of Earth from our satellites as the energies come into the planet.
The black and white circle denotes our planet.
The white side is sun-facing, and the black side is the dark side of the planet.
Then we have this half-circle to the right of the planet that looks a bit like a rubber band. That is the bow shock, and it helps reflect energy from the Sun.
Most of the solar energies coming in are from the dark side of the planet sent in from our Galactic Star Nations. You can watch that clearly in the video above.
What a night we had yesterday. A massive solar activation was sent into us yesterday. Allowing all ascending to connect to the incoming energies and fully move any remaining connections from the old Matrix grid to be reestablish to the new Golden Grid.
Most of us were connected to the Golden Grid already, with just a few tethers or cords remaining to the old Matrix grid. During the energy upgrade yesterday, those final connections were removed and you are now fully aligned to the Golden Grid.
This allows you now to really be that chandelier we've been speaking of. Connecting into your multidimensionality at all times. You are overseeing this work in a whole new way.
No need to ever deep dive into the 3D again. You reign over it, above it, seeing it for what it truly is, a space that once held you deeply within its grasp. A place where fear and division reigned supreme. Now its a broken system that we are about to dismantle fully, once we release all the non-ascending from its grasp.
You, Divine One, are free. Totally and completely. It's a step that couldn't be done until right before everything changed on this Earth.
You are no longer at the whim of the 3d matrix system. You are fully and completely free. You might start to feel some of that deeply embedded programing start to release up and out of you. That density can't live within you any longer, your vibration is just too high.
You may experience some emotional releases that go along with this massive upgrade. Move through it with the unconditional love you hold within you. The truth is coming up for all to see. You may not even realize the programming that needs to come up and through, but your soul does.
Take each new experience that comes thrpugh with grace and understanding. You are walking in a new way today. Expect to see and experience things in a different way, a higher vibrational way then you ever have in this lifetime.
All of your higher multidimensional self is now connected into you and moving through you. Today you are more of the real you then you have ever been.
You are ready, dear one, to make the jump forward. To elevate yourself into your higher self. It's all coming in together. The keys to you are already within you and opening with each new activation. We have one final big one, the last Love Wave activation that will release you fully and you will find yourself awaking to a new reality, to the understanding of you and moving forward to Blessed Gaia.
It's all coming together because of you and that high vibrational light within you that you hold so beautifully high and bright.
Today will be a day for the record books. Its the first 24 hour period when all ascending are working off a much higher power grid. Don't be surprised to find your abilities, knowings and understandings working in a much higher way. It's just a small glimpse of who you truly are in your highest form.
Its a Beautiful Day to be a Lightworker on Earth.
Shine so brightly today they can't unsee you!
Much love and light,
-SA Smith

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