"You're here because you know something. What you know you can't explain, but you feel it. You've felt it your entire life, that there's something wrong with the world. You don't know what it is, but it's there, like a splinter in your mind, driving you mad. It is this feeling that has brought you to me." Morpheus - Matrix

Vilma Capuano - Awakening to hard truths - 14.03.2025


We are in a period of dimensional dissociation, Full Moon, corridor between 2 Eclipses, planets in retrograde motion, cosmic alignments, solar flares... and we need to maintain emotional Balance in these times of cleansing the wounds of the Past by activating Personal Power to face triggers and Symptoms.

“The incoming Plasma Waves carry new frequencies and tones never experienced before. We may experience skin problems, increased allergies... bloating, showing signs of detoxification - sauna, acupuncture, massage, movement and stretching will help.

The nervous system is on high alert and fight or flight reactions and adrenal (cortisol) discharges may occur. Limiting exposure to things that "inflame" you is important. To allow Neutral Observation you just need to enter the emotions without attaching them to a story or projection of what may happen.” ~Jenny Shiltz

Concluding translated excerpts from Lisa Renee’s article:

“In the stages of our spiritual development… as the crack of light appears in the center of the dark shadow and the inner light is ignited, we can see more of what was hidden… because it opens another octave of light to illuminate our inner vision…

“What is in my Power to do?”

Inner strength is built on being able to compassionately Witness and be willing to see the whole truth, integrate the information into your Knowledge base, and Observe even more.

Wisdom is hard-won, in the ability to Know when to act and when to hold space in Non-action.

There is a heightening of this realization occurring in the Collective Consciousness… in the stages of processing anger and grief during the planetary Dark Night of the Soul, as we discover that…

- We trusted someone who was not who they seemed to be (misplaced trust), manipulated (our intent usurped), and watched our fellow man tortured (conditioned abuse).

- Realizing that we have spent our time and resources playing a role in the Controller Game that fuels the global slavery system...

- Seeing leaders wielding power to gain strategic advantage...

Feeling anger and sadness can be a necessary stage in the Emotional Healing process, ... rather than repressing and expressing it in uncontrolled outbursts or depression. But you will need to be willing to let go when stories filled with anger and sadness run wild in your mind – recognize that replaying them over and over again does not help you grow emotionally and move forward in peace.

Sometimes we may be shocked by what we can see and remember. Here are some strategies to help ease the pain:

Open with compassion to yourself and everyone involved.

Recognize that you are bringing the Past into the Moment by allowing replays of the story in your mind... and let go.

Commit to aligning all your actions with your Pure Intention.

Pray for spiritual support to get through the painful situation with Grace.”~https://energeticsynthesis.com

“Until we find the monsters within ourselves, we keep trying to kill them in the outside world. And we find that we cannot. For all Darkness in the world comes from darkness in the heart. And that is where we must do our work.” ~ Marianne Williamson

Vilma Capuano

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