"You're here because you know something. What you know you can't explain, but you feel it. You've felt it your entire life, that there's something wrong with the world. You don't know what it is, but it's there, like a splinter in your mind, driving you mad. It is this feeling that has brought you to me." Morpheus - Matrix

A girl in the Universe - Don´t over think it, allow it - 12.03.2025

For months now, you can have been walking this tightrope between two worlds. The world in which you were incarnated into, and the world in which you are rising up to join in vibration.
Never has a soul been born into a third dimensional reality, then ascended to a higher dimensional reality in the same body. It's unprecedented, and you wonder why you are feeling the way you do.
You are being asked to transcend yourself in the most amazing and beautiful of ways. Rise above the highest level vibration possible within this realm. All the while following the breadcrumbs given to you to allow yourself to elevate your thoughts, words and feelings to a higher level of understanding.
While undergoing physical and mental upgrades on every part of your mind, body and soul. Allowing you to expand so greatly into a higher being within your human suit.
Now it's your body's turn. The soul had to clear enough density from the human body you're in to bring in more light for it to hold. That beautiful light is cleansing and clearing your human suit, allowing it to upgrade while walking within it.
All of this is such a grand undertaking. There's no stepping away, no letting someone else handle it. Each step on this mission had to be done by you and you only.
Finding a balance within you to hold the needed frequencies to rise higher, while rebuilding the whole of you, moment by moment.
Now you are being systematically removed from one of the hardest parts of this walk. Balancing between two worlds. You are being isolated within you to begin to ascend. You're physically being asked if you are ready to release from this reality and move forward.
It's been hard walking with one leg in each world. Many can see and feel their Quantum lovers and friends. Others are being visited by their families here that have crossed over. In meditation we are welcomed in, loved on, told how greatly we are missed. We are also experiencing events in our Quantum future to get us ready for what is to come.
With that next step of moving forward comes the need to detach from this reality fully and completely. Not engaging with its narrative and releasing yourself above this reality so it no longer pulls and pushes on you.
It's not an easy task, but one many have completed and many more are preparing to do in this now moment.
It is not something you have to think about, you've already chosen in the Quantum. You have a soul contract that guides. All you need to do is not over think it. Just allow yourself to move through this time and let it happen.
It's a needed choice. You can't move forward still tethered to a 3d reality. Thats like a hot air balloon trying to soar high and free while still hold its sandbags with it.
All the clearings, emotional releases, the big understandings, and the changing of you, both inside and out, is bringing forward your untethered reality. Allowing you to no longer need to be connected to this lower dimensional reality and choosing to let go and elevate to the higher you.
Thats why you may feel like your isolated at the moment or in a void state. Much like a chrsalis creating a butterfly, you need time to create you and choose the high vibrational YOU.
This is what's happening with Lightworkers in this now moment. We are preparing to ascend. Preparing to step out of this reality and into the next.
So be easy on yourself today. If your eyes are blurry, or something on you aches, send it your love. So much is happening within you right now to be ready to move forward, its truly miraculous.
You Are A Walking, Talking, Loving Miracle.
Be kind to yourself today. When you share your light out, do it from the depths of your heart. Let this reality really feel who you are. Let them know the Legion of Light is here to show all the ascending and non-ascending their ways home.
Its a beautiful day to be YOU.

Much love and light,
-SA Smith

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