Hey Soul Tribe,
There is so much happening in the field right now, today I was shown more bursts of light activating helping dismantle lots of outdated matrix grid system as we prepare for another layer of golden grid frequency to land.
Feels as though that rough holding pattern has been lifted and everything is moving again at full force!
Here are some notes of some observations over the past few days. So much is happening it's hard to keep up!
Karmic clearing and reconciliation are happening as we exist out of a time of reincarnation for those who are on the Ascension trajectory.
In 2017, I was shown that there was a definite end to the reincarnation process that all the souls that were coming through may not be new. However, they were carrying any Earth Karma, so to speak.
So now we've entered a very concentrated period where those that still have energy entangled within Karmic Cycles that bandwidth it closing out at very rapid and what could seem dramatic rates.
The good news is that the soul fragments aspects will consolidate back here the body.
Previous cycles of awakening & kundalini attracted unwanted attention and brought in either entities or outside energy or just pulled in a lot of density because their vibration framework was operating outside of the matrix bandwidth. Lots of that energy is being pushed to release, too!
Who's been going to training in dream space ?
Seems like there is lots of preparation weaving through for what's coming next...
Counterpart Connections happening in the ethers, which is igniting the spark that many have been dormant for sometime
Lots of vivid dreams have closing out timelines for the past 20 or more years, depending on the individual
There is another round of huge influxes of light that are coming in now daily, sometimes twice a day you might feel really weak, dizzy, headaches, lots of buzzing & vibration running through the body.
We are moving out of what has been a very prolonged dense period, as we approach Equinox tomorrow & are almost at the halfway make of this Eclipse Corridor.
There is so many people moving through greater heights to higher frequency, clear insight. There are so many being unplugged from the old grid system & being prepared to come back on a lot stronger than before.
We are all working on illuminating the collective shadows & standing in our light of truth 

The desolate timeline energy comes to a close, and many are being abruptly pulled off that trajectory and back on their soul path!
It might feel messy at times or overwhelming. We are really making huge progress right now.
You should be so encouraged by all the heavy lifting that we have worked so hard to shift through. The shifting gears had begun 

Sending much love
Alisha Braché
Personal Session:
The Elevation Training Series is designed to support people with all the tips, tricks & processes to navigate through these Energetic times!
Training at-your-own-pace learning via the link: https://www.cosmicg8way.com/courses
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