Sending you ALL so much Love from me, and Mother Earth’s Heart Chakra here in Glastonbury…to your own Heart. Wherever you are in the world, may you feel the Love sent to you.
I knew I physically wouldn’t be able to get up to the top of The Tor today, but…
To me, I always know and feel two things on 22 March every year:
That this specific and beautiful date is always associated with the Blue Ray created out, through Source God. And also, I always feel 22 March as gifted ROCKET FUEL. It’s like a beautiful yet enormous boost to our energetic bodies. And if we stayed attuned and in our balance, we will feel and experience this from NOW ON, by noticing that we gradually can soar and soar and soar, higher and higher in our energy from Now until June Solstice. Truly, each week herein can be one wonderful boost WITHIN, followed by the next, and we can end up SOARING. If, we stay in our hearts, true to our OWN inner paths and stay in neutral awareness, as observer to self and all outer. Today can therefore be, like an ENERGETIC ROCKET BOOSTER
, to our energetic bodies and paths, which can be absorbed each week in all our bodies.

The month of May (so now I am talking about MAY, not March) can generally be a month of intensity. For some, the month of May can be an intensity I subtly describe as very challenging for some. Yet it can also be as heart centred beingness, an intensity of enormous GREAT BEAUTY and WONDER.
Love is always the simple key and simple way to all ENERGETIC expansion, whilst always knowing to stay TRUE to our own unique path and unique designs within The One Divine Creation.
My prayer: May you SOAR in these weeks ahead, on your energetic wings that are made of… The Divine Love.
All my Love to you All,

PS: For those interested…here’s a link to todays ‘Wake Up Tune’ for this
day. It’s about You and The Divine Source. There is so much in this relating to The Divine Path. Notice the word ‘Star’, as it relates to The ENERGETIC and ESOTERIC ‘North Star’ mentioned in my December 28th 2024 post that can be birthed…from within you at each one’s Divine Timing.

"Just as a personal health update…I’m not back here on social media fully, but I just had to give love out today to you all. I literally don’t know about my health, meaning only time and the weeks ahead will tell. I am taking it literally one day at a time. If I manage maybe two months pain free, with no sudden intense pain episodes that literally physically floor me, I may have actually solved my own long standing health problem! But only time will tell. Hoping so though! Thank you for each of your kind and loving thoughts. 🙏💜"
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