"You're here because you know something. What you know you can't explain, but you feel it. You've felt it your entire life, that there's something wrong with the world. You don't know what it is, but it's there, like a splinter in your mind, driving you mad. It is this feeling that has brought you to me." Morpheus - Matrix

Weekend Vibezz

 How are you? Another week has passed and the energies are still strong, this is ensured by the daily smaller and larger continuous solar flares. 

It's not easy to stay on your feet and be in balance, whether it's physical, mental or emotional. In this period, self-care is important, let's make time for ourselves, for inner work and for the cooperation of our body on a physical level - be it a new diet, more fluid intake, more rest, exercise, a walk in nature or meditation, it is individual for everyone.

In this period of cleansing energies, many things surface, be it old outdated belief systems and programming, be it emotional anger or pain, trauma, all of which are crying out for us to finally notice, heal and let go. We are on an inner transformational journey, with a lot of ego death and rebirth, constant disintegration and putting ourselves back together until we become more and more purified and only our true selves remain. We have to let go of many things in ourselves and in physical reality, but especially the stories we have created in our minds about ourselves and the world. In essence, it is our own mind and belief system - our programming that keeps us in prison, it causes the most pain and dissatisfaction in our lives.

We can endlessly blame the occupying forces, the outside world, we can sit in self-pity and in the role of victimhood, we can wait until the end of time for the "rescuers" and we can give our energy and power to someone else every single day... but the question is, will this mentality solve your problems? No. And why? Because then you never realize how much value and how much power you really have. Just think about how it feels when you solve a difficult or an impossible situation, or fear - what a liberating experience, isn't it? You start to trust yourself again and regain your self confidence, boost your self-worth and so on. 

This lesson is what the game is all about, discovering and reclaiming your own creative life force energy and power to dream, create and live your best life. The lesson is to individually and collectively become sovereign souls again and never again let another "alien" being be good or bad, take away or rather make you believe that you are powerless and weak. Because it´s not true, just we forget it and constant make us belief it and programmed it. 

Think about it, if every star seed was fully in their power and full conscious (free of programming), the game and the fight against the "darkness" would be over in the blink of an eye. Why? Because we don't play the game anymore, we don't live by the script of the matrix and it´s programming and we don't fear anymore. Everything you wanted on a soul level is yours right away, without attachment, to live happily and serve and cooperate with the Source and all living beings.

Don't be angry or sad about it, this is the journey when you finally discover that you are not as "weak" and "powerless" as you think. We are all under a collective spell or illusion that is slowly dissipating. Many of us ask the question "What could I do alone?" and we prefer to wait for others and give away again our power to somebody because we so afraid to act or stand up. This is a mistake, because as you start on the path, both internally and externally, people, the right information and situations that help and support you will find you. Just what you do with yourself and your environment, no matter what, is like a ripple effect that sweeps through the collective, whether you notice it or not. Maybe you are not even aware that you are inspiring or help others with your creations or simply with your presence. Everyone has some skill or ability that benefits the community. 

First, we need to stand up for ourselves and speak up, we have been silenced for so long. The truth is like wildfire, which is why they try to disable and discredit people for telling the truth, e.g. on social media etc. Don't let paid or sleeping people pull you down with their criticisms and negative comments. If they don't agree with you, or you not agree with them, we can say so in a cultured, trigger-free way, but that requires an open mind, a broader perspective and a mutually respectful dialogue. This humanity and especially the star seeds still have a lot of work to do to accept the opinion, truth and perspective of others even if it is completely different from ours. 

Let's not impose our truth, our perspective and our belief system on others, because that's just an ego game. Let's not be leaders and want hundreds of thousands or millions of followers just to get recognition and financial benefits. Real leaders are found and listened to by people whose frequency attracts each other like a magnet. But the real knowledge and wisdom is there in everyone, everyone is their own leader and a source of endless information. We should not try to "fix" others, because that is not possible, you can show the way, plant the seeds, help, but the rest is all individual work. Respect for each other, normal morality and kindness should be brought back into fashion and become a trend. 

At the end, I brought a couple of visualizations what I came up with it and I've been doing lately and I thought I'd share them here and make them available on the useful stuff page too. If you want, try it out or come up with your own visualizations, which will help you find your way back to yourself.


The first is to reduce mental noise, especially before meditation. 

As I would imagine, the visualization often takes its own form, so if you see it differently, flow with it. In my head and mental body, the many thoughts, programming, etc. appear as black smoke or black birds or bats. 

The source floats over my head like a bright sun and starts pulling out all this mental stuff from me. The flock of black birds flies towards the sun and disappears into it, as with each breath I have fewer and fewer thoughts till my mind is completely in silence.

If I want to remove negative thoughts, as the black birds fly closer and closer to the sun, the sun's rays transform them into golden birds and they return back to me and bring into my mind positive, kind thoughts.


The other is visualization of the inner sun, this can be done at any time and it´s easy, since we know the sun and it is easy to recall its warmth and brilliance.

Imagine that there is a bright and warm sun in your chest. Connect with it, feel its warmth, the nurturing, the protection and the energizations and yet the calming effect. Feel it as this warm go through every part of your body and beyond. You also see its brightness emanating from your chest and shining into and out of your body. If you see some black, dark purple smoky energy or glue, (or what appears to you) it's all trauma, block, illness, etc. Visualize this light and warmth dispersing all such focal points, your inner light and warmth outshining it and heal it. Sit in this pleasant warm loving feeling for as long as you like, because it's all you.


Cleansing and healing the ancestors and personal relationships with the Divine Mother and their healing and nurturing water energy and the Divine Father and their power of sun energy.

Let your imagination shape the image you see. 

Imagine a tree. You sit or stand on one of the tree branches. Look around what you see, where is your tree in that visualization. 

The roots of the tree represent all your ancestors, you see the tangled roots, how they intertwine, you see that one is shorter or thin, the other strong or thick, maybe you can also see which one is sick or in what condition. The branches of the tree below you, both your previous incarnations are both Earthly and Galactic. The branches of the tree next to you all represent your parallel earthly incarnations. The branches of the tree that are above you are all your higher, other dimensional incarnations. Each tree branch is connected to the trunk of the tree, as is the tree branch you are sitting on. The tree is YOU.

Look at the condition of the tree branches and roots and what you see on them. Let the visualization show you. Where you see a problem, we will focus there. 

Summon the energy of the Divine Mother, ask her to use the energy of the water to cleanse, purify and heal everything on the tree.

You can see how the rain starts to fall, like spring showers, it's nice and warm and soft. You can feel the refreshing and cleansing raindrops as they remove pathogens, dirt, black smoke, glue and everything that is harmful to the health of the tree from the branches and roots. You can feel how the rain dissolves, cleans and washes away negative emotions, negative beliefs, attachment, karmic stuff from all areas of the tree. Let the mother aspect of the Source heal, nurture and wash away everything that no longer serves you and feel it how free you from the shackles of the past and karmic situations. You can also free your family line from karmic energies. Stay in this rain as long as you want.

When you are ready, call on the Divine Father, the warm, bright sun. Feel its warmth, feel its strength and protection. See its light enveloping your tree and you. You see the wounds on the tree branches and roots begin to heal, new buds sprout, leaves and flowers grow, even fruits. Stay in this sunny tree as long as you like.

If you want to ask for the wisdom of your ancestors or other aspects of you, then ask those branches or roots to flow their knowledge through the trunk of the tree, call in the information you are interested in through the tree.

If you want to cleanse or heal your relationship with others, be it karmic or otherwise, then visualize how many small threads spread out into the world or to other trees from the tree or branch, or from you. These threads can be silver, gold or other colours. See if they are full of life or sick. They are strong or weak. They have knots or other energies on them or they are healthy. Call the Divine Mother and ask her to wash away the negative energies and untie all knots with the cleansing rain. Then ask the Divine Father to burn the threads that no longer serve you and to fill those threads with golden shining light that are important in this life. 


Shadow aspect and inner child visualization and healing

Let your imagination guide you.

Imagine your shadow aspect, what form does it take? Don't be scared, this creature can't hurt you, may it´s loud, growls, and doesn't like us to focus on them, but he/she doesn't bite. You are safe. May later you can hug them and talk. You have a jar full of light cookies, they love it. Every time this aspect of you says, thinks or does something bad or negative, say a positive affirmation and give it a cookie. It may be difficult to give it to them at first, he/she will resist the medicine like our pets, but it will work because you are in control. You will see after a while that the visualization changes, maybe the shadow takes on a different shape or colour.

You can play the same with the inner child. Imagine it, observe this child, talk to him/her and whatever comes up, tell her/him something reassuring, positive, like what you wanted to be told when you were a child. Give a light cookie, talk with your inner child, give a hug but don´t be too pushy. Be in a loving presence, give her or him your attention. 


I'll tell you what shape my shadow self took for me - don't laugh. Cerberus, the hellhound. She is a cute animal, if she don't want swallow me in whole. She already likes to be petted and if she eats enough light cookies, she´ll turn into a dark grey wolf and probably more light colour if I work forward with her. 


Today I brought an old Tiesto song - it's called - Just Be.

Have a great weekend for everyone :)

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