"You're here because you know something. What you know you can't explain, but you feel it. You've felt it your entire life, that there's something wrong with the world. You don't know what it is, but it's there, like a splinter in your mind, driving you mad. It is this feeling that has brought you to me." Morpheus - Matrix

Amanda Lorence - The Flux - 21.02.2024


We are in a time of GREAT energetic FLUX. I am not talking about SOLAR although incoming is very strong today. To understand there are MULTIPLE ENERGIES in every moment:

1] Some are incoming energies yes.
2] Some are light layer Energetics that have effect on The Collective Holographic FIELD within this Game.
3] Some energies ARE yours. Of changes (upgrading) occuring gradually within your brain and your body, that is in it’s own process of transformation into a higher hertz processor of LIGHT DATA.
4] Some energies are only experienced WITHIN as the human avatar, as a direct result of chosen thoughts. Thoughts are energy frequencies.

ENERGY is complex, of many degrees, many patterns, many vibrations, within MANY LAYERS and are infinite. So for your own expansion, to try not to put any energy into one box called the Sun. That is but one layer (solid matter reality, of gas, particles, atoms, etc). One layer of REALITY, of the many layers of consciousness perceiving.
This is a time of HUGE DIVERSE ENERGETIC FLUX. That is impacting all, but in their own unique and individual ways.


Today I watch starlings descend upon the fields. Before they land on the grasses, they change from one harmonious movement together, as ONE (unified), INTO seeming chaos (flux) of many SEPARATED energies all trying to LAND in their own SPACE on the field. Suddenly, they then decide to take flight, but again, that INITIAL movement OFF the ground (flux), is of many individual seemingly chaotic energies (flux). In the skies, AT FIRST, some form little and some big SEPARATED groups. Some fly in pairs. And some fly solo. All in an experience of separation. Until… once more, at energetic timing, they become unified as One Harmonious Movement. Each find their very own unique way to BEING ONE harmony. Of the ONE.

The birds today, are an absolute PARALLEL, of the multiplicity of the energies being experienced by humanity, and kingdoms, yet from each one’s unique perceptional point.


Each are experiencing energies of MASSIVE FLUX. It affects each human differently. And can create energetic chaos within people. Excessive mind chatter. Unseen imbalances that vary simply because each person’s brain is at a different stage of brain expansion. Where the right and left hemispheres of the brain may or may not have yet become balanced.
The HIGHEST thing to do would be to understand with compassion, love and deep understanding, that this is a time of great FLUX for all beings. That it can destabilise people. And as I pointed to in perhaps three videos last year for awareness of THESE TIMES, is that it can cause people to NOT think clearly but they will NOT see that in themselves. For any that witness delusion in the outside, there is nothing you can do, as at soul level it is their choice. And only temporary. Where people think they can see and think clearly, but you as observer see it is imbalanced OR delusional.

Additionally support in the FLUX:

If you or another feel anxious, unclear, confused, or where thoughts are rampant, know that it will eventually settle at your divine and perfect timing, but if you want to, try to settle the mind your own way. Be of nurturing love to yourself. SLOW DOWN.

If you are fine and in peace, ensure you look after that calm state by not getting too directly involved or bombarded by anything of the OUTSIDE. Know when to speak. When to say nothing. And when to take your own time to yourself. It is not about burying the head in the sand, but to stay calmly informed in YOUR OWN WAY and MEANS, but NOT inundated by the OUTER. Or distracted FROM your own path by what any other is focused on.

Remember: storms, great winds, floods and fires OF the four directions, bring seemingly temporary chaos. Of Earth, and within people. Yet LIGHT will always come forth and prevail.

When you are aware that energy is just energy… that you can change FREQUENCY within you by simply your awareness and your will, and in compassion know that unconscious energy can create chaos in people, you can be the one that IS in your own energetic field, at a very loving ENERGETIC distance from any chaos. Where from that, you are holding and being the ENERGETIC space of Love, Peace and Harmony. In that state, nothing actually needs to be said.

Love, the highest answer and the greatest KEY, we hold and give from.
Of the many starlings in their flight, no one bird carries the WEIGHT (human burdens) of the many ‘birds’. Each find their own space and harmony at their perfect timing. Then easily, effortlessly, they are unique as the many, YET simultaneously consciousness, IN and OF The One.
All is but the DANCE of the LIGHT.

With love to all,
21 February 2024
source - facebook

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