"You're here because you know something. What you know you can't explain, but you feel it. You've felt it your entire life, that there's something wrong with the world. You don't know what it is, but it's there, like a splinter in your mind, driving you mad. It is this feeling that has brought you to me." Morpheus - Matrix

Amanda Lorence - EMBODY more and MORE octaves of Consciousness - 03.02.2024

As we go, in all times ahead, to know, whether newly awakened, or awakened for a long time, ALL that is needed to EMBODY more and MORE octaves of Consciousness, is YOUR OPEN HEART, that accesses (then feels) LOVE, at MANY various frequency octaves of LOVE. It is simple, Love is the KEY to ALL. For ALL.

KNOW, remember, that every single awakened pathway is a unique individual STORY. Each have their own design, and timings. Each follow their OWN CLUES, like breadcrumbs. Each have built within them, their very own path, and own style.

Despite the Story each have (including all teachers and gurus), it is only a matter of time before each surrender, FULLY WITHIN their very own inner heart. Some have. Some still resist. Some WILL utterly resist. Some feel they have surrendered to their heart, but there is still subtle, underlying fears, that create judgement. And that creates an underlying resistance to align to and meet the higher and higher levels of The Divine Source Love within. And be that, give of that. Easily. Naturally.

Individual stories end, new books begin. Yet the human can be kept within a loop of it’s own human story because of the human mind programming. Or a loop of a spiritual nature and choice, within an awakened being. Attachment to anything of the body, mind, ego, belief, world, or universes can sometimes not be seen. Until it is time, within the immaculate individual design timing each have, to see, that which is hidden and running as a human programme.


Whilst each awakened on their path seek knowledge. Which to a degree helps the person understand and take their steps towards attaining more consciousness embodied as them, the paradox is that:

No amount of linear knowledge creates full embodiment.
It is the DROPPING of all linear mind thoughts, to go beyond the mind, beyond all star systems, beyond ALL CREATION, that leads to full embodiment.

The PARADOX, is that THEN, beyond all thoughts, images and all sounds, DIVINE knowledge is THEN given by God Source. To you. Directly. And so the paradox, is that what some seek (and some don’t) is actually found and GIVEN, BEYOND all human beingness. When you become (over time) continuously aligned to SOURCE, God works through the BEING. The two become One.

And so to SEE, that knowledge helps the human avatar, as stepping stones in the awakening process. But does not take you OUT of the illusion. Knowledge can keep one IN the mind, that is awake yes, but still IN the illusion. Still inside it’s own individual human programming. And so, to learn, but then let go and STAY OPEN, to being GIVEN.


Is via the Energetic Heart. That each have. That acts as a portal to more and more and more of God. Via embodying over time, the many octaves of IT’s Love.

Being empty, takes one beyond all phenomena of this world, or any worlds. Into Presence. That then becomes you. As I have shared and drawn in drawings, for many years, each and every human has the God Spark within them. They can not exist without it.

This is the beauty of why many unawakened bypass the 4D awakening journey. Shall go straight into a higher state of consciousness. Or even higher. They won’t have or need our own awakening journeys. They won’t need the information, stories, knowledge, practices, tools (that eventually get dropped), that many awakened used within the awakened state. They don’t need them. For they had, or shall have, the FULLY OPENED heart.

It is by degree the heart is opened, surrendered to, chosen to live of the heart’s Love that we each embody different states (octaves/percentages) of our consciousness. And that is pre designed by each Soul, before they were incarnated this lifetime.
For in every single nano second, we all choose: To be Love. Or not to be Love.

Whilst I speak of some unawakened, to know some will choose not to awaken whilst in body this lifetime. These are ones that at Soul level chose to PLAY a part. A role play. And there are awakened, that will exit as at Soul level they will have accomplished all their SOUL wished to experience this lifetime. So to try and not allow the mind to put anyone into ‘boxes’, for every soul knows exactly the human avatar design and experience it has chosen. It’s individual, yet we are One. To ever put another into a ‘box’ or category, is to unconsciously limit thyself, by a human belief arising. You only limit your own awakening, not the other you are categorising.

Never fear you are behind, for your whole journey is perfectly timed. And never fear you lack knowledge. You need no knowledge. It is to BE EMPTY of Mind and as the STATE of Love that rises your consciousness. For God made the way simple, for every single human being. God is within EACH one’s energetic heart. As The God Spark. The only thing each need to do is surrender. And whether people do or not, is also their choice via their own design. Be at peace with all others choices. Your only job, is your own becoming.

Be INSIDE of peace. With your way and love for everyone’s way. Love the diversity. Allow the knowing, that all human seemingly ‘separated’ thoughts of the mind, can be surrendered, into the peace and eternal Love of God that dwells within all. And the wonder of God that can unfold within you, if it is your own wish and devotion to know God.

Even devotion to God or to seek God falls away at a specific attained STATE. For when you are within God, as that PRESENCE, there is all absence of human programming. You are one IN God. And know you always were. That’s when you can then giggle, at the sojourn into the human avatar forgetfulness, inside illusions. It’s an innocent giggle, in awareness, and very pure. Because you are in a state where you see and know that all is but an illusion, you are now outside of. In joy, and in innocence. And IN…THE LOVE.


Whilst over recent years, it’s perfect that more and more people give focus to the physical Sun, and a One Off Solar Event, of physical and energetic effective nature, it is NOT the main occurrence. The increases to solar energies, and the Solar Event are things that help energetically steer people to be in more energetic alignment, FOR other ‘happenings’ that align more to ancient prophesy. The Solar Event is NOT the main revelation. It precedes other things.

Occurring over the next few years, you will witness far more people within the WHOLE world and spiritual community, that shall one by one:

1] Surrender to God, and often through desperation, and the encouragement of surrender via worldwide diverse teachings.

2] More people opening their hearts to Love, and this encouragement via worldwide diverse teachings.

3] FAR MORE, in linear time, shall seek God/Source/Creator (by any name), and the encouragement to turn to God, via worldwide diverse teachings. As more move out and away from the many ‘branches of the Tree’. And give time, energy, focus, to the main ‘Trunk of the Tree’.

But not all shall, or are to, and that is perfect too. All souls have a different reason for being incarnated. And all are loved.

It shall be known, eventually, and I do mean known, that God’s Love is, was and always shall be, the Greatest Power and all pervading Presence.
Please peacefully take what resonates, and just ignore if it doesn’t resonate for you.

With Love Always
3 February 2024
source - facebook

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