"You're here because you know something. What you know you can't explain, but you feel it. You've felt it your entire life, that there's something wrong with the world. You don't know what it is, but it's there, like a splinter in your mind, driving you mad. It is this feeling that has brought you to me." Morpheus - Matrix

Natalia Alba - periodical detox & X2.5 flare - 17.02.2024

Beloved Ones,

As we continue stepping into this new phase, reigned by the eclipses, our bodies will need periodical detox, for we are under a profound process of transmutation and constant release, of all the past energies and emotions that need to be freed to allow the new influx of light. The past is everything previous to this moment, and clearing our emotional and mental bodies of past pain and energies is vital to be able to live at peace and in alignment with our soul.

When we do not practice daily cleansing, and protection, and focus on the present moment, which does not mean not taking responsibility for the past, we are causing a misalignment between our parallel selves and our current timeline.

When we think about the past, we bring past energy into our present self, impeding the flow of the energy and causing a collapse between frequencies that end up in an amalgamation of dead energy, and therefore the impediment of our desired manifestations.

This occurs as scientists know, due to the energetic breakdown between particles, for everything we think and feel also has energy, and when particles collapse, is due to the incapacity we have to be simultaneously in multiple states of being, this is the important of dwelling in the present, for all our power lies in the Now.

If we wish to be balanced, aligned, and manifest outcomes that are one with our soul and personal desires, then our thoughts, feelings, and actions cannot be focused on different timeliness, for everything vanishes due to lack of intention and consicous focus.

The eclipses are going to teach us a lesson on how to live multi-dimensionally without collapsing our present reality and manifestations, for we have yet to learn many things, within this new harmonic space. Energy is totally different from one dimension to another, we have to learn how to maneuver between the many different frequencies and levels of consciousness.

As we learn how to balance the ego and align with our soul and monad, we are already transmuting lower frequencies. This process allows us to transcend the egoic self and its limitations, stepping into a more illumined state of being.

It is through transcendence that we reconnect with our divine self, and start infusing our human minds with divine thoughts, achieving the inner process of alchemy. However, transcendence can only be attained, if we remain in the present moment, as neutral observers of ourselves and life.

The eclipses will act as galactic passages in which we are invited to learn how to project our consciousness during the following months while remaining present in the moment. To do that we need to work on balance, transmutation, and recalibration.

During the eclipses, we will be opening new planetary timelines, continue acting as bridges between our 3D timeliness and the 5D ones. Activating our second DNA strand is pivotal to bridge our present 3D self and consciousness, with our 5th-dimensional one. It is by working on the DNA strand related to multidimensionality, and hence time and space, that we can start anchoring ourselves into a more evolved timeline, finally exiting the 3D consciousness trap.

Everything is within us, for all parallel dimensions lie within us too. The relationships we wish to manifest, the house we wish, the mission or job we wish to do, and anything we can possibly desire, is in this moment, and it is us through altering our consciousness, projecting it to "future" parallel timeliness, and bridging this specific essence back to our present timeline, and self, is what can help us achieve our desires, and a more illumined state of being.
May you always remain within Divine Love, Peace, and the Power of this present moment.

Beloved Ones,

Yesterday we had massive Solar flares, classified as X2.5 flares, which as you know are the most intense. Solar plasma, for this is what flares are in truth, that is preparing us for the massive transformation, and planetary shift that will start with the eclipses. Guides share the importance of conscious integration at this time. Only we have the power to align with the current planetary energies, give them a purpose and co-create with them, uniquely.

The energies are descending upon our Earth's Grids and then physical plane, and will remain there for those who wish to upgrade and recalibrate their light bodies, through the embodiment of plasma.

Guides invite us to focus on the digestive, lymphatic, and circulatory systems during this time, as they are responsible for plasma integration and digestion of this new energy, and we can support our bodies by drinking only pure water or organic drinks, teas, fruit ones, etc. conscious nutrition, acupuncture to help direct the energies, and above all inner alignment, through conscious reconnection and deep communion with our soul and monadic self.

This is a time to rest, replenish, and start shifting from within what is obsolete, for we are just beginning this period of intensive solar flares and massive embodiment and we will need all of our energy to work with both our physical bodies and with our planetary mission.

For the ones who are starting on this ascensional path, Guides share the importance of working with your light bodies, correcting their symmetry and ratios, as many of you will need to correct your light bodies, so they function in a clockwise position again.

The current energies together with the eclipses will continue assisting us in this inner task, as well as in the correction of the Earth's magnetic fields, which is an arduous and long-term task that we need to support, but working on ourselves too.
I wish you a loving embodiment, Beloved Ones.
May you love respect, and honor yourselves and sacred vehicles.

Within Infinite Love,
Natalia Alba
source - facebook

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