"You're here because you know something. What you know you can't explain, but you feel it. You've felt it your entire life, that there's something wrong with the world. You don't know what it is, but it's there, like a splinter in your mind, driving you mad. It is this feeling that has brought you to me." Morpheus - Matrix

Ascension Lightworkers - Prepare for quantum changes - 18.02.2024


The Next Full Moon 24th February in Virgo brings you new energy to help release all that you have been focused on clearing at this time . Maintaining patience and trust you are on the right path. It’s time to fully forgive yourself and all others , Keeping vibrations high. Full Moons are always a time of contemplation and the full Moon in Virgo inspires us to imagine the future we want to create.

This stage is a significant time for many ascending individuals as they confront their deepest fears, paving the way to manifest the long-held dreams they have nurtured on Earth.

Starseeds can heal their inner duality and bring higher conscious awareness by recognising and addressing certain patterns in their subconscious mind. The new energy on Earth is all about being rather than constantly doing.

Overthinking may be a way for the Inner Child to feel in control. Starseeds may be attracted to people who have hurt them in the past because they subconsciously seek to bring awareness to the unresolved traumas. Difficulty saying no stems from the Inner Child conforming to parental needs to feel accepted.

Feeling disheartened can result from giving love to others instead of oneself. Perfectionism arises from pressure felt by the inner child to meet high expectations. Choosing to focus on self-development rather than being in relationships is a way to protect against feeling depleted.

As Starseeds ascend, they may feel invisible and avoided by others as they become less manipulable. Losing interest in potential relationships also stems from the Inner Child not learning to accept unconditional love.

Many Starseeds struggle with self-love due to a lack of genuine examples in their lives. Starseeds have faced unique challenges and may have been focused on survival rather than personal growth.

Starseeds do not attract bad people but instead accept them as a reflection of unhealed aspects within themselves. Starseeds' compassionate nature can attract individuals who take advantage, but their sensitivity should never be mistaken for weakness.

Living in a different frequency in new earth can make it challenging for others to understand, it's important not to drain energy by constantly trying to explain ascending self .

Not everyone will resonate be on your level or understand, and this doesn't diminish one's worth. It's important to honour and conserve energy for those who appreciate and understand, trusting that the right people will come into one's life at the right time.

It's always okay to grow so much that nobody knows who you are anymore. As you ascend you are no longer looking to the approval of others for your mental and emotional stability.

If you're feeling rejected in any way It is time to move on , contemplate the lessons . It’s not a time to shrink self to fit the person you have now outgrown. Live in your truth and purpose. Love in your truth and become more of the higher self.

Ascending souls are currently experiencing a resurgence of intense dreams during the dream state as we release pent-up negativity from our system and subconscious mind before the upcoming Full Moon on the 24th. While the overall energies are light and not overly disruptive, the physical release, particularly focused on clearing the lower chakras, may manifest in various physical symptoms. You may encounter stomach issues, acid reflux, gastritis, bloating, stomach discomfort, backaches, and a decreased appetite during this period.

As your frequency upgrades and your intuition becomes stronger, you will notice how much other people's energy actually does affect you and can disable your existing vibrational frequency.

The more your ascension is attuned the more you become highly sensitive in who you are and to all energy in general. Keep your circles true , pure, sacred and small as quite often on this ascending Journey you will find that Less is much More .

Part of Your planetary purpose here is to hold your light and speak your truth. Others of the same frequency will gravitate and resonate with you. This is humanity's consciousness it will rise in Unity with Gaia's Earth Frequency and Vibratory Energetic fields.

Remember, you are like the phoenix on this ascending Earth , always rising from the ashes. True defeat only occurs if you choose not to rise again. Losing a battle doesn't equate to losing the war.

At times, letting go of something seemingly irreplaceable is essential to position yourself for achieving your ultimate goals here , even if it requires appearing defeated only momentarily. These experiences guide you towards the right path to attain your ascension objectives.

The only time we are truly defeated is when when we refuse to rise up and try again. As long as we continue to rise, the struggle goes on and if you continue to rise over and over, eventually you will achieve your objective. Because like the phoenix every time you crash and burn you rise again even stronger from the ashes.

We don’t ever confuse Empathy for weakness as It takes a true warrior of the light to be a lover in a World full of darkness . It takes true strength to stand up in a place where we are taught to run from those in need.

True Empowered Starseeds are the change Makers the Truth tellers , the Ones who Forge through all fear and control on this planet to stand up for what is right , real and true . there is nothing weak about that.Because you are not your struggles . You are the survivor and thriver who keeps moving forward in spite of them.

Ascending souls are preparing for the upcoming Full Moon to rejuvenate their bodies and adjust to the DNA changes from recent downloads and activations. In the new Earth energy, they will gain confidence in trusting God's plan, letting go of frustrations when things don't align as expected.

The belief in Source Energy's guidance reinforces the unwavering faith that the Divine's plan for one's life will manifest regardless of obstacles, affirming that nothing can hinder the fulfillment of their higher purpose.

Starseeds Souls will attract the abundance on this planet by living in totally opposite ways to the existing 2-3D Hologram simulation, and by cutting all karmic cords to the 3D Matrix .

Currently, we are forging new pathways to live fearlessly, igniting our divine gifts and unlocking our journey towards higher purposes. These paths exist outside the constraints of the current paradigm, allowing us to embody our authentic selves fully. This planetary shift marks the way forward towards self- actualisation and self realisation .

Full Moon Love , Light and Divine Blessings
Source information: by Ascension LightWorkers
source - facebook

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