"You're here because you know something. What you know you can't explain, but you feel it. You've felt it your entire life, that there's something wrong with the world. You don't know what it is, but it's there, like a splinter in your mind, driving you mad. It is this feeling that has brought you to me." Morpheus - Matrix

Ascension Lightworkers - Ascension Symptoms - 25.02.2024

To The Ascension LightWorker Collective

Ascension Symptoms : The past week and especially the last 72 hours have felt extremely intense for many and these energetic disturbances may have felt extra challenging , The solar flare activity together with the up and coming full moon often has this affect and many symptoms might be relatable to you.

You may also be feeling an increase in system over whelm and hypersensitivity, Over emotional, residues of anger , anxiety or going through physical pain , or you may be feeling the opposite like you are full of energy and optimism.

The mind might not be processing information the same way it once used to as you are occupied in anchoring light into to your surroundings. This is a powerful time to ground into the new earth energy .

It is also a time to rest and replenish and do what brings you peace and joy . Keeping your vibrations elevated by practicing daily gratitude, giving thanks for all blessings, to help accept the current realities taking place in life .

Latest Ascension Symptoms :Confusion, Body Detox: Revaluation of exisiting beliefs, FOG which is ( fear , obligation , guilt ) Healing the mother/child/family wound. Feeling called to be in nature. Intolerance for low frequency foods. Nightmares and vivid significant dreams. Nonstop high pitch frequencies in ears. Feeling like something big is about to happen .Seeing even more through the deception of mainstream. All of this is occurring to wake you up to the truth in the false realities taking place in self and the 2-3D earth .

Feeling drawn to completley detach from drama and dysfunction , waves of chills moving through the body, Interrupted sleep and eating patterns , Leg and Knee pain, Nerve pain , Memory issues, Ear tuning, Pressure on the body, Face sinus pressure, Ears ringing, menstrual changes . Jaw pain, Itchiness and skin irritations Bowel and bloating issues, you are experiencing a Full body clearing.

You may not be desiring certain Foods .

Ascension symptoms for some maybe periods of Bliss, Euphoria, Overwhelming feelings or unconditional love, Joint pain Hand pain, Head pressure, New understandings, Fatigue, Blurry Vision, Nausea, Floating between two worlds,

New Earth Energy Alignment and Fine Tuning of the entire earths energetic fields and vessel are currently underway. Your higher self and ascension team are all working together with you at night, while you are sleeping , this is to help your physical human body prepare to receive an influx of high frequency healing light into your system.

You may also want to mentally prepare to wake up at odd hours in the middle of the night, jolted from sleep to receive profound and specific upgrades. The energy moving through you may feel very intense during this time.

This means the earth and humanity is receiving an increase in light levels at a higher grade and quality. The human physical body will feel this. Your ascending human body is now in a constant state of clearing and detoxing as well as upleveling, it is a process occurring on a muscular/bone/fascia/cellular/ genetic level. All old timelines shadow/ trauma that is lodged in the human vessel will be purged out for divine clearing, healing and transmutation during this time.

We are entering into another accelerated planetary awakening portal where all those willing to ascend (subconsciously and consciously) will now be moving at quantum speeds into a purging clearing process in order to evolve into the next levels and higher new earth timelines .

Ascending collective are going to be burning up a great amount of resources very quickly during this stage of global collective ascension as progressive changes are well underway . Seek Nourishing foods as they have higher levels of consciousness and align with the inner changes taking place in a higher vibrational frequency Intend for more sleep at this time and create a space for quiet time , the mind will help cocreate this process with higher self .

You may experience hot flashes/sudden changes in body temperature, prominently visible veins, temporary paleness, heaviness and hunger pangs as you move through this energy. Give your body what it needs whether it is more food or less. You intuitively always know what your body needs .

You may have a deeper knowing and understanding that all is happening for the highest and greater good. If your experiencing Ascension symptoms that at times feels uncomfortable please keep in mind they are temporary.

Ascending loved ones , Keep shining the collective light . Everything changes when the desire to move on exceeds the desire to hold on.

The Universe wants you to Embrace ascending life including all its experiences without hard judgment on self and others , no longer dwelling in the past. Most times the greatest lessons are the hardest and yet the most rewarding .

Trust all experiences always serve the higher purpose for the greatest good . Everything is the way it is divinely ordered to be and all is always the way it should be .

In loving and dedicated Ascension service
Source information: by Ascension LightWorkers.
source - facebook

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