"You're here because you know something. What you know you can't explain, but you feel it. You've felt it your entire life, that there's something wrong with the world. You don't know what it is, but it's there, like a splinter in your mind, driving you mad. It is this feeling that has brought you to me." Morpheus - Matrix

Natalia Alba - welcome the year of the Dragon & rehabilitation of the Gold planetary grid - 11.02.2024

Beloved Ones,

Our Central Sun is very active these days, for it is supporting the massive planetary shift, in consciousness, that we are experiencing. Solar flares, precisely on the day we welcome the year of the Dragon, that as you know are assisting us in the process of lower chakras transfiguration, as well as our Aurora family, so we can transmute eons of survival fears, female repression, disempowerment, and many other galactic and human traumas that we carry within our DNA.

These energies are precisely the ones who are going to help us in the process of reconnecting our eight DNA strand, the one related to the monad that gives us access to our soul memories and soul mission. The more we grow in consciousness, the more sun transmission we will need, for it is through plasma that we build and reconnect our light bodies. There is nothing to be afraid of, as I have read today in a scientific article, for the ones who connect with All forms of Consciousness know what is really taking place.

This is a passage that emphasizes the importance of consicous nutrition, mental and emotional clearing, and self-nurturance, to be able to give and assist from a replenished space. Pure water, understanding by pure water the one we buy, from the purest sources we can, or make at home, which is a natural conductor of the energies.

Guides invite us to work with a clear quartz crystal, which is an amplifier for when we are under a phase of consicous integration, as well as a healer and purifier. Guides also offer us at this time majestic champagne aura quartz to protect and shield ourselves from geopathic stress, although everyone will have a different stone to work with, during these phases.

Guides also invite us to call upon the Ruby Ray to help us transform our lower chakras, and move into a heart space. This is a very important time, with the solar flares that we are receiving, for us to transmute lower energies, thoughts, and emotions, and emerge into the illumined being that we are, and to do so, we need to heal, reconfigure, and reconnect all our body portals.

We are under a very important portal in which the stellar and sun transmissions that are now bathing our planetary grids are generating a profound shift into our light bodies, and our consicous work to help shift what is lower in consciousness within ourselves is essential to continue upgrading our bodies.

At a planetary level, we all are witnessing the evidence of these changes as well in the weather conditions, in the crying of our trees for help, something we need to continue working with, as One Family, and in the desperate fight to keep controlling humanity.

There is no way back, for humanity has awakened to the Divine Call, and there is nothing that can impede us now from retrieving our authentic nature and power.
Resistance will not help, only staying centered on our Higher Heart will, for when we see, from a Divine Perspective what is truly taking place, from the micro to the macro, we know that our role within this game is to neutrally witness all, seeding, love, compassion, peace, and harmony, which is not denying reality, but flowing with it, rather than resisting to what we cannot change.

Love is the only shifter after all, and when we remain within it, everything else vanishes and starts shifting, at divine timing. We just have to be patient, trusting, and knowing that in the end, all comes back to the same Source, and our role is to support others in their chosen path and personal evolutionary process.
I wish you all a peaceful integration passage, Beloved Ones.
Within Infinite Love and Compassion for All.


Beloved Ones,

Our planet is achieving a great step forward towards unification. We are now witnessing the rehabilitation of the Gold planetary grid and hence the masculine principle, situated in Iran, and that continues feeding the distorted masculine principle of Creation. It is now that the masculine essence is being finally restored, and with the assistance of the massive Sol emanations received during this time, the many planetary healers, and other Highly Evolved Beings, we can now say that we are finally restoring the masculine and female pillars in our planet, although this is just the beginning of a long path.

The masculine principle associated with the Golden aspects of us and Creation, and therefore with the Seraphim consciousness, the Avian races, originated from the Gold Sound Pillar of the Creational Flame, are now restoring eons of distortions in this area. Guides invite those with that universal mission, for example, the Blue Ray descendants, to help in the retrieval of the authentic Divine Masculine essence, especially in this area, for half of the planet continues living within the distorted masculine, while the other half with the distorted female one.

This is a very important time not just from an individual evolutionary view, but from the macro one as well, for we are being called to discern, to open our hearts to the Truth, while we hold strong boundaries, to filter manipulation and other energetic damage, so we can witness what is taking place and start assisting where we are guided, by first holding clarity on what is authentic and what is not, which can only come from the deep communion with our God Self.

As many of you already know, through your own experience in the field, the Iran portal is the main planetary grid that holds the masculine principle, and that is the tenth-dimensional gate of Earth. This is precisely the one that gives us access to the tenth-dimensional Ray, connected to our tenth-dimensional chakra, or Solar Star chakra, and therefore impeding the total reconstruction, and reconnection to this divine solar aspect of us.

The next step in our ascension path, is precisely to reconnect our solar star chakra, after having retrieved the connection to our 7th, 8th, and 9th dimensional selves, and hence monad. This is the importance that the earth's grids have as you know, as without them being rehabilitated, we cannot continue with our mission of consicous reconnection and DNA awakening.

It is now that we have the opportunity to not just be a neutral witness but an active participant in these planetary events, contributing in all we can to seed a new mentality, a more loving and compassionate one that helps restore the principles of Creation.

We all have our personal evolutionary journey and challenges to cope with, for our path is not exempt from obstacles, to help our growth. However, we too need to remember that as ascending souls, we too came here with a double mission - to support the planetary new consciousness that is emerging, anchoring it, and helping heal all the distorted structures, for All is One with us in nature.
Thank you for your loving contribution to our beloved planet, Beloved Ones.
Within Infinite Love and Compassion for All,

Art by: Ellen Vaman
source - facebook

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