"You're here because you know something. What you know you can't explain, but you feel it. You've felt it your entire life, that there's something wrong with the world. You don't know what it is, but it's there, like a splinter in your mind, driving you mad. It is this feeling that has brought you to me." Morpheus - Matrix

Ascension Lightworkers - breaking free from the constraints of the 3D realm - 11.02.2024

To The Ascension LightWorker Collective

Ascending souls are breaking free from the constraints of the 3D realm, which has been a prison planet for harvesting energy . We are now embarking on the activation process that enables us to enter the expansive 5D realms of Gaia's collective awakening consciousness.

The Solar flare activity has been intense as bursts of energy is emitting onto the earth from the Sun's surface. These flares release various forms of electromagnetic radiation, including X-rays and ultraviolet light. When these solar flares reach Earth, they interact with our planet's magnetic field, leading to disruptions and fluctuations in the electromagnetic environment.

Solar flare activity can have significant effects on both ascending individuals and the collective consciousness. These energetic outbursts can result in heightened planetary energies that are felt and experienced by people on Earth.

The heightened planetary energies triggered by solar flares create a range of experiences. Some Ascending may feel more energised and spiritually connected, while others might experience heightened emotions or physical sensations and symptoms .

This can include increased energy levels, intensified emotions, and enhanced spiritual connections. solar flare activity has the potential to impact technology and cause disruptions in power grids, weather patterns , satellite communications, and navigation systems.
Solar flares contribute to a dynamic energetic landscape, influencing our experiences on both individual and collective levels.

Many are Awakening to more truth and may experience feelings of being in limbo or progressing slowly due to significant upgrades happening within their systems. Symptoms of ascension include fatigue, throat issues, headaches, blurry eyesight, sleep issues and various physical discomforts. These symptoms occur as channels of light are downloaded through the body and chakra systems, activating the codes of the soul’s rebirth . 

The clearing process during ascension helps expand one's consciousness and release emotional trauma linked to fear and anger. This allows for a deeper connection with the true self, empowering individuals to rise above old paradigms of fear, control, and lack.

As awakening continues on Earth, it is important to surrender to the ascension process, take it slow, and prioritise self-care. Trusting in the unfolding of self evolution . In this new Earth reality, shifting consciousness through different parallel realities creates the experience of change, time, and space. Each dimension represents a level of consciousness with higher vibrations and a clearer perspective, offering more freedom, power, and new opportunities for creating a desired reality.

Dimensions are not places or locations, they are levels of consciousness that vibrate at a certain vibrational frequency . Each dimension vibrates at a higher rate than the one below it. In each higher dimensions, there exists a clearer, wider perspective of reality, a greater level of knowing. We experience more freedom, greater power and more opportunities to create our desired reality.

In the age of knowing, belief is replaced by a deeper understanding and awareness of the truths and possibilities present in the universe.
The path to spiritual enlightenment leads us inward rather than onward. It is a journey of self-discovery and letting go of codependencies and attachments, rather than accumulating external things.

As ascending individuals progress, they may come to the realisation that there is no need to aspire to anything beyond the truth of the authentic self. The essence of spiritual enlightenment is found in recognising and embracing the truth of who we already are.

Ascending loved ones , regardless of the nature of existence, whether it is perceived as an illusion, game, simulation, or divine revelation, the fundamental answer that remains constant is love. Love is the underlying force and essence of life.

Only Love holds the power to transcend boundaries, connect individuals, promote higher understanding, compassion, and bring about positive transformation in ourselves and the world around us. Love is a healing and unifying transformative energy that guides us towards greater harmony, peace, and fulfillment.

In the coming weeks, there is a sense of imminent change in the universal energy. This shift can already be sensed and felt. It is time to prepare for the unexpected and embrace the transformations that are being catalysed.

The tides of change, driven by karmic influences in 2024 are urging many to release situations and individuals who no longer align with the divine path. We are all on the brink of entering uncharted energetic territories, opening up to higher and new possibilities for higher levels of consciousness and evolution.
In loving and dedicated ascension service

Source Information by Ascension LightWorkers . copyright

source - facebook

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