"You're here because you know something. What you know you can't explain, but you feel it. You've felt it your entire life, that there's something wrong with the world. You don't know what it is, but it's there, like a splinter in your mind, driving you mad. It is this feeling that has brought you to me." Morpheus - Matrix

Ascension Lightworkers - 2-2 portal

To The Ascension LightWorker Collective : We Are entering the 2-2 portal, which may cause various physical symptoms such as pressure in the body, sinuses, headaches, ear ringing, and digestive issues. Some may experience hunger and discomfort in the stomach after eating. Many changes are expected for those ascending.

The 2-2-2024 portal is unique and part of the planetary circuit purge, resulting in internal changes aligning with Earth's new energy. You have chosen to ascend and continue learning, allowing you to make better choices and elevate
This journey inward to find home involves reframing reality and using newfound inner power wisely.

The four number 2s in this numerical sequence encourages self-reflection and challenging the existing outdated belief systems. It is common to adopt beliefs from others without deeper consideration. Embracing new and truth based beliefs letting go of old ones will lead to personal growth and deeper self-discovery.

During this process, some may prefer solitude to think independently. This energy brings awareness to aspects of ourselves that we may not have consciously acknowledged before. Awakening and growth always start with self-awareness.

By becoming conscious of the unconscious, you can take back control of your life and avoid being bound by fate. Self-love empowers you and frees you from being subject to external circumstances. Ascension involves few shadow work clearing karma and intentionally creating your destined life in collaboration with a higher collective team effort.

Many ascending are in the process of releasing old paradigms, patterns, and ways of doing things that no longer serve you. This includes letting go of feelings of unworthiness and outdated thinking. As you do so, you are opening yourself up to new consciousness, self-worth, and knowledge. This release is happening on deeper subconscious levels and you may feel the desire to shift the energy flow around your home and within your body to align with this new energy.

The chosen ones on our planet are those who have chosen themselves and awakened to their true selves, distinguishing between what is real and what is not. They are committed to their soul's higher purpose, they remain sovereign in the light and are willing to go through any challenges while providing comfort, love, healing, and compassion to others. Lightworkers, in particular, face the task of learning self-love and deepening their self-awareness on a conscious journey.

Many people today seek spiritual guidance and direction by looking within themselves. The chosen ones can be recognised by their higher vibrational frequency, which only grows stronger as they ascend and become beacons of light on this ascending planet . This shift may create discomfort among those vibrating at a lower frequency, highlighting the duality between the two Seperate worlds.

For some you may initially feel pushed into unfamiliar territory by external forces, but it is within these unfolding events that your true essence is revealed. As you navigate through these challenges, you tap into hidden reservoirs of inner power, confidence, and wisdom. What may seem daunting at first eventually falls into place effortlessly. The ultimate outcome is a stronger, more confident, and grateful version of yourself.

Ascending Souls on this planet , dreams are about to become a reality. It is time to enjoy the rewards and benefits that come from the hard work and dedication you invested in self on your ascension journey .

A new cycle is beginning, and in the upcoming weeks, the path you are on will gain momentum, especially with no planets currently in retrograde. It is a positive time to take steps forward and implement the profound changes you have been feeling and connecting with in self and life over the past few months. The Universe and cosmic forces are guiding this planet’s collective purpose .

Although the journey may have had its many challenges, with moments of confusion and doubt, now is the time to harvest what you have sown. Embracing the blessings that are coming your way and recognising that they are a direct result of your love, courage, endurance , patience , dedication, and commitment.
With love, light, and ongoing learning.

Source information : by Ascension LightWorkers 

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