"You're here because you know something. What you know you can't explain, but you feel it. You've felt it your entire life, that there's something wrong with the world. You don't know what it is, but it's there, like a splinter in your mind, driving you mad. It is this feeling that has brought you to me." Morpheus - Matrix

Ascension Lightworkers - Meeting your soul tribe - 29.02.2024

To The Ascension LightWorker Collective

Meeting your soul tribe in new Earth Energy is a profound experience characterised by an immediate sense of connection , a significant soul recognition, an established love already there that transcends traditional linear thinking.

This deep soul recognition occurs because those individuals have entered your vibrational alignment for a purpose , to provide essential support , connection and lessons for your personal growth and evolution. In this divine cosmic arrangement, everyone you encounter has a higher purpose as this is part of your unique simulation, known as your energetic vortex carefully orchestrated to guide you towards higher learning for evolution .

While these lessons may initially appear negative or challenging through the lens of the linear mind, there is always a positive aspect to every experience. The assumptions made of positive and negative is a construct of the linear mind and does not fully embody the inherent positivity behind every situation. Each encounter, whether comfortable or not, presents valuable opportunities for learning and self-discovery.

Ascending individuals may at times find themselves repeatedly dealing with narcissistic individuals or similar challenges, it serves as a reflection of your progress and growth. These encounters serve as mirrors, offering insights into your personal development, such as understanding rejection, attachment styles, or other lessons you need to grasp along your spiritual journey.

Your higher self will always present opportunities for your highest learning . You may of thought you have overcome things like rejection, attachments, codependencies etc , every one is tested in every thing they learn all of the time until it is totally removed from the existing internal programming .

Embracing this perspective shifts your perception from victimhood to empowerment. Every person you meet, every situation you encounter, is a part of the universe's intricate design working in your favour and for your highest good .

This higher understanding unveils the opportunities in every moment, propelling you towards a higher state of consciousness and enlightenment. This intricate web of interconnectedness is often referred to as an energetic vortex, guiding you towards self-realisation and spiritual actualisation .

In new earth energy. It is about letting go of around 98% of what you have learned and been told in society , most is false information. Even in areas like astrology and numerology, they are not in their complete truth or higher form, most of everything in mainstream that can help empower individuals and assist them to ascend as far as textbook information goes was removed .

Information in 3D was not designed to help with ascension. The pineal gland was made to be calcified by false conditioning and programming , whether that was through food , education , pharmaceutical drugs , products. lies, illusions, manipulation and it was to intentionally prevent the transmitting of the individuals higher energy into realms beyond the 2-3-D realm,

During the process of ascension, life can seem paradoxical on this dualistic planet. In the shift towards New Earth Energy, there is a far greater reliance on the higher self, source love, and light energy. This new paradigm challenges the conventional thinking of the linear mind, creating experiences that may not align with traditional perceptions. Ascending individuals are transcending these limitations as they embody higher frequencies and navigate through the complexities of duality.

In the realm of the New Earth dynamics of Energy, one of constant change, you may experience residing within a higher vibrational state in an impenetrable bubble only to be confronted by challenges that may come along possibly sending you spiraling down into lower energy frequencies. These fluctuations in energy levels can feel like a rollercoaster ride, with intense highs and profound lows that may test your resilience at different times .

However, as your ascension journey unfolds, you will find that you no longer linger in lower vibrations for long periods. With each low point you learn to realign with higher frequencies more efficiently, allowing you to bounce back to elevated states much quicker than before.

This process of rapid elevation signifies ascension growth and increasing mastery over your energetic state, ultimately develop into much greater balance, harmony, and alignment with the ever-evolving energies of the New Earth.

All ascending individuals are having to adapt to the shifting energies of the New Earth, a planetary vibration in constant change, making long-term plans at times feel challenging. Personal growth and ascension lead to changing desires and needs, requiring alignment with our higher selves and the collective planetary purpose.

When we reach a heightened state of consciousness, our external reality starts to mirror our inner alignment, merging with our higher self becomes vital for making decisions that are intuitive rather than based on linear thinking and old ways , even if this transition feels unfamiliar or uncomfortable compared to the traditional workings of the mind.

One of the greatest challenges faced by Ascending souls in new Earth energy no matter how advanced they may feel is self-love deficiency , to attain this it requires deep inner Shadow conscious investment work and healing. True self-love involves a profound journey of genuine self acceptance and self-forgiveness , personal transformation must take place in every layer and level to elevate all aspects of the inner being , to bring all aspects to its highest vibrations of unconditional love.

Self-forgiveness serves as the very key that unlocks the door to liberation and inner peace. This profound process is essential for all ascending souls, regardless of how advanced , as they navigate the challenges of releasing what no longer serves their higher purpose.

The energies of self-love allows for a natural unfolding of profound inner healing and transformation leading to increased awareness inner strength, resilience, and adaptability in the face of continued inner and outer trials , challenges and general experiences .

While the Ascension journey may not necessarily become easier, the ascending individuals capacity to overcome obstacles becomes much stronger , this leads to a deeper sense of self empowerment and authentic self-realisation.
In loving and devoted Ascension service

Source information by : Ascension LightWorkers .
source - facebook

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