"You're here because you know something. What you know you can't explain, but you feel it. You've felt it your entire life, that there's something wrong with the world. You don't know what it is, but it's there, like a splinter in your mind, driving you mad. It is this feeling that has brought you to me." Morpheus - Matrix

Amanda Lorence - Awareness - 24.03.2024

I am breaking my inner ongoing silence to share what I feel is significant, heart warming data received this morning within a clear ‘Learning Dream’:


Within the last 4-5 years, many people WORLDWIDE were given their own individual and unique ‘Wake Up Calls’. Whatever that experience, they paid attention to it at the time, but then gradually, many resumed their previous every day mental focuses and humanised life choices. Gradually putting their divinely gifted ‘experience’ into their background memory.


These aforementioned people, one by one, will within the next NOW to 3 weeks, be given another type of divinely timed experience. It is from the Divine Greater Picture Design that energetics of LIGHTED DESIGN create a collective timeline that presents to these people, worldwide. For them, it will reinitiate in earnest, their ‘seeking’ / their ‘awakening journey’. I was shown this IS Worldwide. Many people, in many countries.


As I’ve shared many times previously, each person has their own uniquely timed, and uniquely blueprinted design (way).


1] Newly awakened won’t need to give their energy and mental focus to many spiritual subjects, spiritual tools and certain spiritual arena beliefs within the vast array of the ‘westernised’ styles of awakening journeys.

2] Of the already awakened ones:
One by one, at each one’s own timing, and based entirely on their own blueprinted design and soul’s reason for being here: Many will put down the outer ‘spiritual’ tools they have been using. More will come away from certain spiritual modalities, spiritual methods and spiritual belief systems they have chosen to give energy, focus, ‘time’ or belief to. As more ALLOW their own individual Consciousness to become them. Attuning to (vibrationally at their higher hertz frequencies) their actual Consciousness.

And so, one by one, the ‘reawakened’ ones I mention here, AND the already awakened beings already on their paths, will gradually give FAR MORE focus and energy to their actual CONSCIOUSNESS and STATE. Devote to becoming. Become attuned WITHIN it. As in terms of the vaster Divine Design, there is no linear ‘time’ remaining to have one foot on the divine path whilst choosing to keep one foot rooted within dissolving perceptional STATES that denote the individual experience of REALITY / REALITIES. Where the human avatar has been immersed within a VERY strong programming and thus a perceptional state of ‘subject and object’. Thus the separated state, of being.

Whilst I know to remain devoted inwardly to the silence, I send Love to All. And will be back supporting when I know to be.

All my Love,
22 March 2024
source - facebook

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