"You're here because you know something. What you know you can't explain, but you feel it. You've felt it your entire life, that there's something wrong with the world. You don't know what it is, but it's there, like a splinter in your mind, driving you mad. It is this feeling that has brought you to me." Morpheus - Matrix

Nicky Hamid - expanding consciousness

You are expanding consciousness to be more fully aware of your fifth dimensional Beingness.
You cannot take your old stories, emotionally charged memories, your reactions, any of your old identity thoughts with you.
So it is all coming up, NOT to be reviewed but to be let go of.
How do you let go? You be prepared to face anything that comes up. To confront it head on with honestly, a willingness to face it squarely as your business and an opportunity to see the gift in it with gratitude. Thus the electro-magnetic charge you used to keep it stuffed down into your subconscious is released. And then You watch them pass through knowing that they are coming up to move out and dissolve forever.
You do not have to do anything with any of it but Love the Knowing you have developed.
Do not ask the question "Why?" for any of it, unless you want it to keep repeating the loop.
If understanding is required it will arise also in your Love of yourself or you ask for illumination. You just let it arise and lovingly say thankyou as it leaves.
We are all Coming Home and none of that "STUFF" can remain if you are choosing to Shine. Absolutely NONE.
You have a choice now of either do it the easy way (consciously and in joy and contentment, step by step) or the difficult way ( with longer drawn out repeated rerunnings of dramas loops and reactions, with thoughts about what "spiritual" is, sharing the babble with others and believing that you are doing it), until you will to take responsibility for yourself.
But you as Soul has said "YES", so you have no other choice but the choosing of seeing it all in love, as it passes by, and owning your own energy, your own Divine Lightedness in all its glorious unfolding. Consciously willing, clear and attentive, honest, with continual ability to respond to being in the playing out of the 3D world but no longer the powerless miserable victim. The seer and the Knower.
I So Love You
FREEDOM from the pull of 3D and duality is in the seeing and NON-DOING.
And the accelerating of these LIGHT packets that are bombarding you, "ascension energies", will not let up. Your new DNA is coming on line in spite of your efforts to delay, ignore, or avoid the total self-honesty they require.
We are all right into an evolutionary spiral that is totally beyond the "ego self" to control.
So you had better surrender to your wakeup call or live in the illusionary 'sleep world' of suffering and victimhood.
Who chooses Love over fear?
Such Divine conscious surrender leads you into realms of Contentment and Knowing that you can only imagine, until you make each step.

source - facebook

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