For the last few nights I have been going outside at about 9PM to watch the stars. Orion, Sirius and the Pleiades are just about at midheaven over my house at that time. This year, there are powerful Codes streaming down as we appraoch the Eclipses and the Taurus Gate in May.
On the 3/3 we received the Divine Feminine Beauty Codes. On the 4/4 (4th of April) we will receive the Divine Masculine Beauty Codes on at the Eclipse they will be activated on the 4/8 frequency.
Sirius and the Pleiades have always been the source of the Beauty Codes on Earth. We have no need to reinvent them, we have already in our ancestral memory the original blueprints from Lemuria and Ancient Egypt. These are powerfully reconnecting us to the Tree of Life and Grace that is at the center of the New Earth hologram.
In this powerful corridor to the Equinox we are inspired by the Beauty Codes to remember that we live within a beautiful creation and that we are connected to and part of Nature. We are inspired to become part of the wave of Beauty and Creation that is forming the New Earth.
We are NOW.
We are the FUTURE.
We are BEAUTY.
We follow the path of LOVE and JOY!

source - facebook
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