What an intense wild time since i left from 5.2m people now gated to massive flares to new connections that will change the world its been a journey many people are facing choice points right now and if your one of them or know someone who is remember to hold compassion and forgiveness for yourself and others we need examples of a new way right now more then ever the new world is being built brick by brick by those examples and each new person who gates brings all their unresolved issues with them to that world so remember it may look very messy as we get these massive amounts of new people but they are joining team humanity with the best and the brightest so they can remember they too are so while this process of clean up this year can feel like a tedious backslide it its actually a huge recovery phase for our souls to come back online and things to finally make sense again so enjoy the ride its about to get interesting

Q: remind me again when gating looks like please
A: to gate you have to reach a point of 100% faith even if only for a micro second, this space changes the way you live your life and the signal you share with others so the more who gate the more faith that is on earth the faster the world changes 😊 its going sooo fast now its awesome!
Q: does one’s physical life change in an instant ?
A: nope your physical life doesnt change but the benchmark does which leads to bigger changes faster + your collective mind changes to the gated side
Q: how do I know if I have gated?' the gate people' know for sure they gated or?
A: you would be suprised so many people who think they gated haven't and so many people who dont think they did have its really just a process not something to concern yourself about everyone will gate at their right time just celebrating how many more people are choosing faith is all the # represents 😊
Q: Did I understand correctly? The 26th on February there were 750 people gated, and now it reached the number of 5,200,000 people ??
A: yeah wild times but once the flood gates opened it was always going to be so fast from here! just never imagined the speed humanity would choose to embrace faith so awesome 😊
source - facebook
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