"You're here because you know something. What you know you can't explain, but you feel it. You've felt it your entire life, that there's something wrong with the world. You don't know what it is, but it's there, like a splinter in your mind, driving you mad. It is this feeling that has brought you to me." Morpheus - Matrix

Cosmic Gateway - Easter a time for rebirthing - 31.03.2024

Hey Soul Tribe,

How is everyone feeling this Weekend?
Easter A Time for Rebirthing ourselves and becoming in alignment with our Souls Pathway...
As April is approaching & the Eclipse Season is still in full swing....
This pushing us through deeper level of clearing to access & gain more clarity.
This past week has been a massively low/mini dark night of the soul experience... It was feeling trapped inside the mind.
It now time move beyond the false limitations & see beyond the illusion that we have created for ourselves...
Rather we can spend time with our focus & intention on connecting with our heart, opening up to feel more of the new reality that is already exists for everyone!
If we can spend time during our day to remember our own light within, we can bring more of that into our lives & the world
These Ascension wave & energies will do this time & time again... it's like an expansion & contraction like birthing or should I say rebirthing pains.
We are rebirthing ourselves into a beautiful New Earth Reality
I'm reminded of so many great sayings I've been told over the years...My higher Self has always says:
"The Breakdown happens before the Breakthrough"
Things you can do to support yourself:
Have care & compassion for yourself loved ones, others no matter what your going through
Rest allows your body to process
Meditation or Similar activities which can help you come back into a state of balance
Connect with Nature & Elements
Intuitively Eat to support your body
Keep your Energy Clear
Free Resources available via the website:
Elevation & Elevate 2 Training available:
Alisha Braché
source - facebook

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