"You're here because you know something. What you know you can't explain, but you feel it. You've felt it your entire life, that there's something wrong with the world. You don't know what it is, but it's there, like a splinter in your mind, driving you mad. It is this feeling that has brought you to me." Morpheus - Matrix

Natalia Alba - Penumbral Full Moon Lunar Eclipse in Libra & passage of infinite possibilities - 25.03.2024

Beloved Ones,

Today we are embracing the energies from the Penumbral Full Moon Lunar Eclipse at 5 degrees Libra. A cosmic passage that brings balance, harmony, and heart healing. This a passage that will serve us to stabilize our light bodies, continue seeding more harmony on the earth's fabrics and grids, and on a more personal level, to continue mastering our divine reunions, creating balanced relationships. 

We have transitioned into the Aries/Libra Axis, and this eclipse is the third one, being the first one was a total Solar eclipse in Aries. The Aries/Libra Axis is about freedom, leadership, integrity, balance, and relationships. It is I vs. We. 

The Lunar Eclipse in Libra will transit the South Node of the Moon, our past, and what we need to release, both karmically and emotionally. Who we used to be, for we are constantly shifting on this evolutionary journey, becoming more empowered, sovereign, and conscious. 

We are invited to balance our unconscious past acts and relationships, taking full responsibility for our past deeds, and choosing not to repeat what we once did from a different level of consciousness, for this is how we heal past actions, by not repeating them, as when we do so, integrate the lessons and forgive ourselves and others, we neutralize karma.

No action needs perpetual punishment, for All within Creation is Love. Only the illusion of it takes us back to our old concept of karma. This eclipse is to continue releasing attachments with our past selves, and relationships, understanding that we cannot become sovereign beings if we still carry old wounds and deeds that have not been neutralized.

My Guides invite us to heal and clear the heart chakra of any non-benevolent astral connections, past cords, wounds, and anything that is impeding Divine Love into our hearts, allowing the current harmonic energies to help us restore our Love center. 

The Libra eclipse will help us set a balance between ourselves and others, for the Aries/Libra Axis is all about the self vs. others. At the time of the eclipse, we have already the Sun in Aries, which is about the self, while Libra reminds us that we too need to balance our needs, with other needs.

As Aries emphasizes, we are here on a journey to be more empowered and become sovereign beings, but being sovereign beings is not equal to individuality but to oneness, remembering that we are here on a path of service to All, not just to the self. This eclipse reminds us of moving our focus from the self to the We.

This is a time to balance heart-mind and start mastering the ego self, moving from what only benefits us to what brings more harmony and healing to All. To be able to disengage from the egoic self, first, we need to work on loving ourselves completely, as Divine Beings, for only when we achieve this step will we understand and love others as a part of who we are.

Working on self-esteem, self-acceptance, and self-responsibility is key to starting the process of loving and honoring ourselves, for we cannot create balanced relationships if we have not healed our hearts, and see ourselves as worth-it beings. 

Remaining in the present moment is pivotal to healing ourselves. Every time we think of the past and try to go there, mentally, and remotely, for we reside in a simultaneous reality, we self-programmed ourselves to repeat the same old actions, attracting the same old people or similar ones and past situations in our present reality, and hence, duplicating a false reality that can no longer coexist with how we have become and desire to go next.

Yours is the will, for yours is the power to restore yourself, the past timelines you once created from another level of consciousness with the wisdom and healing light you possess within, for there is no one who can create for you, but yourself and your Divine Presence, through you.
Yours is the power to choose where to place your consciousness, in the present, where you and all you desire reside, or in the past, where nothing exists anymore.

I wish you all a loving passage. Remember to take care of your precious selves, Beloved Ones.


Beloved Ones,

With the coming of the eclipses, we are immersed in passage of infinite possibilities, a vortex of manifestation, and profound revelations, for the ones who have done the inner work of becoming more whole and unified. The eclipses are helping us to trigger the inner transformation required, to work on what was fragmented, reconnect our body channels to the Divine within us, and start acting as sovereign beings, in direct communion with our God Self.

During this cosmic vortex, in between the eclipses, we are embracing the infinite divine potential within us, our love, light, divine abilities, wisdom, and power, for we are retrieving our capacity to become self-sufficient beings, creating our own resources, and living only in the purity of our personal Truth and chosen path, assisting with our unique Light our planet to transcend polarity and ascend into a new harmonic dimension.

Today, the Libra eclipse will facilitate the work of polarity integration, reconnection, and manifestation, for those who are already in this phase. Our mission is to align to the energies and learn how to consciously co-create with them, to obtain our desired purpose.

We ended a very important month now, ruled by Piscean frequencies. Energies that allow us to heal and balance our masculine and female energies, an inner work that will last for as long as we are humans, for it is part of our dual nature.

Now, many are heading into a more unified space, preparing themselves for the next stage of planetary unification, assisting in the restoration and retrieval of the Divine Masculine, in the Earth's structures and in the locations where guided.

The Gold and Ruby races, the originals authentic and pure divine descendants from these two lineages, are now starting the process of Divine Masculine rehabilitation, as part of their mission on Earth, even though we are witnessing brutal events happening at this time on the planet, which is another attempt to continue feeding the violence of the distorted masculine.

As ascending souls, today, and always, we align to our Higher Hearts and God's Self Presence, and in our unique way, we remain in the highest possible frequency, sending love, and focusing on compassionate witnessing rather than judgments and lower emotions that diminish our personal power and capacity to assist, where required.

We all join today within Divine love, compassion, and healing blessings to assist in the process of Divine Masculine restoration and retrieval, and unification with the feminine, remaining in the love and light that we are, serving All equally.
Thank you for your loving Light and kindness to All, Beloved Ones.

I wish you a blessed passage.
Within Infinite Love,
Natalia Alba
source - facebook

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