"You're here because you know something. What you know you can't explain, but you feel it. You've felt it your entire life, that there's something wrong with the world. You don't know what it is, but it's there, like a splinter in your mind, driving you mad. It is this feeling that has brought you to me." Morpheus - Matrix

Cosmic Gateway - Soul's Destiny Timeline - 25.09.2023

Moving beyond September Equinox passageway was such a powerful time to dig deep for so many of us as it gave us an important opportunity to expand & access the next level of our vibrational energy embodiment. So we can link with our 'Soul's Destiny Timeline:'


As quite often leading up to these there can be an enormous amount of pressure stress going on emotions and mental states and be very intense and it feels like we are in that pressure cooker (we are in the process of going through a big release.)

Then we go to sleep ~ we have a crazy night of intense dreams and then wake up feeling different in the morning, quite often and bit dazed, disoriented and confused.
The physical symptoms are: headaches, dizziness, aches in the body & nausea.

On that day of the physical symptoms it's time to rest as it’s seems less than productive and having one of those days where you can’t seem to get anything done and this is for a reason.
I have often said on these days there is old timelines dropping away and collapsing and if we put too much energy towards action it’s only feeding energy into the timelines which are slipping away!

So the best thing to do is to stay put and go with the flow, it will pass soon than expected; although that will most likely be on of those days where it seems to never end and time passes at a snail's pace!

The confusion to the mind on these days can be frustrating as we once again are stuck in this in between world where nothing makes sense.
This is process is beyond the capacity of the mental mind therefore try your best not to do much over analyzing at this point.

The the beauty of the timeline shift’s comes after the dust has settled so to speak; things get rearrange and the forward movement kicks in again at high gear!
New insight inspiration, things you have been waiting on magically just happen, and things just generally feel much better.

The way I see this process is that in each step in the process of our stair step evolution. We outgrow a timeline/lesson/situation we become ready to graduate that part and move to the next.

So whatever the particular lesson or situation is seems to exacerbate come to convergence point and it becomes very uncomfortable because we have outgrown it; just like a toddler growing out of their clothing.

So we have one last Hurrah before we go and get that new item of clothing that fits us perfectly. Just us in shifting our timelines we jump up into the next highest octave.
So what I have been noticing now is this happening at a much more faster rate than I have ever experience before these timeline shifts, jumps and convergences are happening almost every second day, For me personally and for collectively for humanity you can feel the fast pace of things speeding up like never before.
What exciting times we are living in!

Signs & Symptoms:

Fatigue & exhaustion ~ sleeping all night & multiple naps during the day
Sleeping is actually being pulled into multidimensional experiences which is helping support the preparation for the shift
Headaches pressure in the head as more energy expands into our consciousness
As a side effects of more incoming energies this will highlight distorted mental, emotional & physical activity
Very vivid dream space that feels more real than this reality in contrast
Disorientation upon waking & sometimes during the day feeling confused & noticeable matrix glitches or Mandela Effect
Moving through old experiences patterns & breakthrough them very quickly & noticing how easy it is to break patterns
Changes in food consumption ~ no appetite to very hungry
Feeling the need to be in solitude

So much fun to watch with awe and amazement. Would love to hear from you if you're also experiencing and noticing these things!
This also has a big impact on Divine Partnerships ~ As the new Soul Destiny's timeline now being anchored don't be surprised when things are naturally just falling into place without effort

Lion artwork by: Jan Monster
IG: @digitalimagesbyjan
much love
Alisha Braché
source - facebook

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